Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/588

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Snow-waves, II. 361.
Snuff-taking, how punished, I. 75.
"Social Dynamics" burned by censor, II. 494.
Sókolof's hotel, II. 101, 102.
Solivióf, ——, Russian political offender, II. 444, 447.
Solivióf, Col., brutal treatment of women, II. 258.
Solivióf, Vladímir, Russian author, objectionable article by, II. 493.
Solohub, Commissioner, II. 374.
"Some Truths about Russia," II. 441.
Sómof, ——, political offender, murder of, II. 339.
Son of the Fatherland, II. 492, 494.
Southerner, II. 493.
Sovrémmenia Izvéstia, II. 489, 491, 492.
Soyótes, Siberian tribe, II. 393, 394, 397, 402.
Soyúzof, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Spelling of Russian names, I. viii, ix.
"Spell of the Russian Writers," II. 431.
Speranski, Count, I. 77.
Správochni Listók, II. 486.
Srédni Kolímsk, Exile Schiller's adventures at, I. 266, 267.
Staniukóvich, Constan tine, political exile, I. 243-245, 324, 325, II. 436, 441, 450, 488, 494.
Stankévich, A. V., political exile, II. 395.
Stépniak, I. iv, II. 404.
Steppes, I. 58; pleasures of traveling on the, 136-138; the great Kírghis steppe, 140-167; banishment to the, 173.
Straná, II. 486, 487.
Strélnikof, Gen., speech of, at trial of Boguslávski, II. 442-445; character and opinions of, 446-448, 450.
Strétinsk, II. 131-133, 277, 278; étape at, 543.
Stretton, Hesba, account of Volkhófski's daughter, I. 343, 344.
Sufflér, II. 488.
Sulkófski, Mr., Russian boundary commissioner, hospitality of, II. 105-107, 110.
Surgút, harsh treatment of exiles in, II. 31, 42, 43; price of necessaries in, II. 38.
Svechín, Col., acting governor at Chíta, II. 330.
Svet I Téni, II. 488.
Svetóch, II. 489.
Sweden, sick- and death-rates of prisons in, II. 534.
Tára, political exiles in, II. 31; protest from, against exile system, 460, 464; prison at, 540.
Tárantás, I. 47, 122, 123, 125, 126, 131, 133, 135, 136, 151, 152,228-231, 351, 356, 357, 362-364, 366, II. 62.
Tarásof, ——, Russian author, I. 254, 255.
Tashkénd, a caravan from, I. 162.
Tatárs, I. 10, II. 394, 395, 397-400; wrestling among, I. 164-167.
Tea, brick, I. 484, II. 104; overland, 104.
Telégas, transportation by, I. 108-110, 138, 162, 251, 363, 370-372, 376, 378, 406, II. 68, 71, 278, 279, 281.
Telegraph, II. 492.
Temperature in Siberia, I. 60-63, 154, 158, 190-193, II. 65, 131-137, 280-282, 301, 307, 310, 320, 325, 326, 343, 344, 355, 360, 361, 365, 416.
Tennessee, convict death-rate in, I. 100.
Térek, the armed line of the, I. 145.
Térek, the, II. 488.

Teréntief, ——, political exile, II. 210.

Terrorists, I. iv, 179, 250, 257, II. 248, 375-378, 438, 439, 451-456, 501.
Tévtul, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Texas, convict death-rate in, II. 536.
Thibetan books, II. 89.
Third Section, the, II. 57.
Tiazhiuski, polu-étape, II. 542.
Tiger, a Siberian, II. 63, 64.
Tikhomírov, L., Russian author, II. 506.
Tíkhonof, ——,political exile, death of, II. 235, 259.
Tíkhonrávof, Prof., I. 326.
Times, the (London), II. 51, 202, 451.
Tirétski, étape, II. 534, 541, 543.
Tiukalíusk, arrival at, I. 139; political

exiles in, II. 31; Dólgopólof's exile to, 46-49; prison at, 49, 540; crime in district of, 462.

Tiumén, railroad communication with, I. 5; approach to, 70; arrival at, 72; prison of, 74-102, 349, II. 368, 537, 538, 541, 543; removal of Bureau of Exile Administration to, I. 78; prison statistics, 96-102; commercial importance of, 103, 105; appearance of the town, 106; real schule of, 106, 107; departure of a marching party of exiles from, 107-110; our departure from, 122; return to, II. 422; crime in, 464.
Tobacco, Siberian, I. 62, 103, 157, 239, 240, II. 63.
Toból, River, I. 74.
Tobólsk, Bureau of Exile Administration founded in, I. 77, 78, 255; arrival at, II. 420; prisons in, 420, 534, 537, 538, 540, 542.
Tobólsk (province), boundary post of, I. 52; comparison of size, 57; scenery and flora of, 63-66; commercial importance of, 103; manufacturing industries of, 104, 105; topographical features of, 124; population of, 138; products of, 139; fairs in, 139; cost of an exile's living in, II. 38, 39; harsh treatment of political exiles in, 42; criminal statistics of, 462; runaway convicts in, 462.
Todlében, Gen., tyranny of, I. 258; appointed governor-general of Odéssa, 262; administration of, 262, 263.
Tolstói, Count Dmítri, Minister of Interior, II. 43, 239.
Tolstói, Count Leo, Russian author, II. 184; opinions in regard to political exiles, 194; suppression of article by, 486, 489.
