Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/589

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Tom, River, I. 285.
Tomsk, railroad communication with, I. 5; exile bureau in, 78; an exile station, 83; departure from Altái Station tor, 228; arrival at, 285; description of the city, 285, 286; University of, 285, 286; landing of convict party from Tiumén at, 288-296; prisons of, 308-321, 350, II. 368, 510-518, 521-523, 534, 535, 537, 538, 540-543; tragedies of exile life, as seen in, I. 348, 349; departure from, 351; political exiles in, II. 31; hospital at, 366; leave Minusínsk for, 415; arrival at, 418; protest from, against exile system, II. 464; Mr. De Windt's statements about prison at, II. 510-518, 521-523.
Tomsk (province), statistics of, I. 286; condition of, 286-288; topography of, 351, 352, 356; runaway convicts in, II. 462; criminal statistics of, 462 ; prisons in, 540, 542.
Tomsk Provincial Gazette, II. 53.
Tourguénef, ——, Russian novelist, II. 433, 494.
Tracy City, Tenn., prison system at, 1. 100, 101.
Trans-Baikál, exiles to, I. iii; mines of, 76; étapes in, 389, II. 127, 128, 544; preparations for trip through, 60; a ride through, 98-130; runaway convicts in, 462; protest from, against forced colonization, 464, 465; prisons in, 535, 540, 543, 546.
Transfers, traveling on, II. 62.
"Travels in Siberia," II. 89.
Trepóf, Gen., attempt to assassinate, II. 445.
Tréskin, Gov., I. 77.
Troínítski, Gov., action towards exiles, II. 43.
Tróitskosávsk, expulsion of Volkhófski from, I. 340; town of, II. 101, 102. 106; my sickness in, 117, 118; departure from, 118.
Tsars. See their respective names.
Tsébrikova, Madam, political exile, I. 248, 249.
Tseklínski, Gen., hospitality of, I. 158-160; humane treatment of political exiles, 171, 172, II. 42.
Tsigankof, ——, exile, I. 266.
Tsitsenko, Iván, political exile, II. 25.
Tsitsiánof, Prince, political exile, II. 255.
Tugulímskaya, I. 50.
Túndra, I. 58-61.
Túra, River, I. 74.
Turinopovorótnaya, consecration of a church at, II. 326-329.
Turínsk, protest from, against exile system, II. 460, 464; prison at, 540.
Túrukhánsk, horrors of the settlement of, I. 329, II. 43.
Tver, city of, II. 44; petition of Medical Society of, 44, 45; visit to, 428.
"Two Years of Life," II. 184, 447.
Typographical error, danger of a, II. 491.
Úda River, II. 127.
Uglích, bell of, the first exile to Siberia, I. 354, II. 421, 422.
Ukírski, robbery by officials at, II. 317.
Ulbá River, I. 237.
Ulbínsk, arrival at, II. 232; exiles at, I. 232-237.
Ulús, horrors of the Yakútsk, II. 19-24, 27.
"Underground Russia," II. 404.
United States, prison death-rate in, I. 98, 100, 101; familiarity with history and institutions of, among exiles, 185, 186, 236; invoking the assistance of legation of, II. 424-428.
Unsere Zeit, anti-nihilist article in, I. 253, 254.
Upper Kará, transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, II. 233-235. See also Kará.
Urál Mountain Railroad, I. 5, 31-33, II. 510.
Urál Mountains, scenery of, I. 32; boundary line on, 35; luxury in, 40, 41, 43-45.
Urál Society of Friends of Natural Science, I. 36.
Urúsof, ——, political exile, II. 374.
Ushakófka River, II. 6, 528.
Uspénskaya, Madam, appeal to Count Leo Tolstói, II. 194.
Uspénski, ——, political exile, II. 210; suicide of, 216, 259.
Ust Kámenogórsk, arrival at, I. 237; political exiles in, 239. 240, 279, II. 31, 32, 41; our success in, I. 278 ; prison at, II. 366.
Ust Kará, II. 138; political prison at, 143, 150; transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, 233-235; imprisonment of Madam Sigída at, 266; our departure from, 275. See also Kará.
Vagrancy, how punished, I. 75.
"Vagrant, The," I. 245.
Váldai Hills, I. 15.
Valúief, Mr., political exile, II. 336.
"Varnáks," II. 463, 464.
Véimar, Dr. Orest E., political exile, II. 200-205; death of, 259.
Vérkhni Údinsk, arrival at, II. 123; prison of, 123-127, 177, 264, 535, 541, 543, 545-547; departure for Chíta from, 127.
Verkholénsk, district of, crime in, II. 464. Verkhoyánsk, the Asiatic pole of cold, I. 60, 61.
Vermin, I. 251, 281, 283, 364-366, II. 22, 69, 71-73, 102, 117. 118, 120, 293, 294, 321, 525, 527.
Villages in Siberia, I. 66-69, 130-136, 352-354.