Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/118

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which service we agree to pay you the sum of £20.'

"'But proceed with your story, madam,' he said.

"'The men closed the entrance of the tunnel with a great rock,' said the lady, 'which they well knew no woman could remove, and left me to creep through the danky dripping cavern. After much difficulty I saw light gleaming at last, and finally stood, as you see, upon this isolated beach.'

"Roger now told his tale. From the two it was quite plain that the wreckers, or smugglers, or whatever the villainous population of Radulgo might be called, meant to let no strangers escape to the outer world with news of their doings.

"'But show me this tunnel,' said Roger; 'perhaps where woman's strength is not enough, man's will prevail.'

"She pointed out a dark opening in the cliff, and together they crept in. At times the ledge of rock along which they crawled dropped away at one side, and they could hear inky water choking and swirling below. Sometimes there was room enough for them to stand upright, but always they were in smothering darkness. At