Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/119

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length chinks of light showed about the edge of the great stone which had been rolled against the mouth of the passage. Roger set his shoulder to it and, with a mighty thrust, jarred it from its balance, and it fell thundering. They stepped out upon the beach above Radulgo, under Rangor Head. Just before them, high and dry upon the rocks, lay the Arthgallo. She had been thoroughly dismantled by the wreckers; everything which could be carried away was gone. But beyond, standing out to sea, was a great ship—"

"A square-rigger, Fogger?"

"Yes, a square-rigger. She was towering along under a misty cloud of canvas, with a line of white water at her foot. And the lady rigged a white petticoat upon a long staff, and Roger kindled a fire of damp driftwood. So, between them, they signaled in distress, but the ship paid no heed. But lo! just as she seemed ready to stand off again and pass them by, of a sudden she backed up her tops'ls and hove to, and they saw the long-boat put off from her. And I think that's a rather good place to stop."

"Fogger! But what happened to the wreckers? Didn't they be captured?" Garth clutched his father excitedly.