Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/216

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the shells in. They were practising range-finding, and he showed me about that, too, only I've forgotten it. And we went through such hundreds of places, down where they make ice and turn salt water into fresh, and I didn't understand that at all. And when we went through the kitchen, they were making peach ice-cream for dinner, and they gave me ever such a big dish of it. Fogger and Mudder didn't get any. It was awfully good. The ensign said that they use a hundred dozen eggs for one breakfast."

"Oh, not really!" Joan exclaimed.

"Yes, really! There are a thousand men on the ship, and that would only make about one apiece, wouldn't it?"

"Just imagine feeding such a family!" Joan gasped. "One breakfast, for one ship! Oh, look! All our destroyers are flying a red pennant."

"That means they're eating dinner," said Garth. "They have it very early, don't they! Oh, here's Fogger."

"How long has the Billington been showing the cornet?" Jim asked.

"Is she?" cried Garth. "Oh, quick, then; this is exciting!"

"What do you mean?" questioned Joan.