Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/217

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"Do you see that all-colors-of-the-rainbow flag at the half yardarm?" Jim said. "It means that all ships present are to come to attention and receive a message. Let's have the glass, Garth; they'll probably send it in semaphore."

Joan sat with pencil poised, ready to put down the words.

"Now we shall hear something really important," she said; "an order to go and shoot at a submarine, or something."

"There she goes!" said Jim. "The—Billington—has received—"

"Orders, probably," murmured Joan, scribbling.


"What, I wonder?" whispered Garth.

Jim proceeded steadily, gazing through the glass at the tiny form of a sailor moving his flags on the signal-bridge of the Billington.


"Oh, oh!" laughed Joan.

"Which—were—not—ordered—by—her. The—ship—to—which—they—belong—will—please—com—municate—with—the—Billington—at—once."

The three were all laughing so much that they