Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/47

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party as they prepared to make themselves comfortable for the night that they were the only people in all the world at the very heart of this silent, ghastly, ghostly world.

Richard said that he would take Silversheene with him, for while he was eating lunch something happened that made him fearful of his walk down the mountain side.

The party were chatting and laughing over their lunch and trying to make the best of their rather sorry plight when from the outer world there came a sound which they first mistook for the shrieking of the wind. All but Silversheene, he was not fooled. For his hackles went up and he got quickly to his feet and began growling softly.

"What is it, old scout?" asked Dick, laying his hand on the dog's head.

All listened intently and in a minute or two the sound was repeated. This time it was much nearer. At the sound Silversheene whined to be let out of the car and Dick opened the door and let him out.