Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/48

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"What was it, Father?" asked Richard in surprise.

"A wolf," said Mr. Henderson simply. "It is the hunting cry of the gray wolf. Let's watch and see what your son of a wolf will do. He evidently knows his kind."

Silversheene stood like a statue beside the ear listening, his ears were erect, his tail was curled a little tighter than usual if possible. His head was up, his eyes were blazing and his whole manner was tense with waiting.

Again the wild weird cry floated down to the listening humans. They could now hear it plainer and it certainly was a weird sound. It began down low with a hoarse roar, but gradually ascended, becoming more vital with sound and wild and unearthly as it ascended. Finally it ended in a weird wail which was a mere thread of sound, blood curdling and rather terrible.

For several seconds after the last cry Silversheene stood like a statue listening, then to the astonishment of every one he lifted his muzzle to heaven and answered the cry