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5. Away, therefore, with this beggarly rubbish, with the “heaven” which the world promises you! You were born to something better, your inheritance is not here! The ueaven which is above should be the objecr of your soul’s desires. Thither ought you to direct your eyes, as the marksman directs his eyes to the target. Say with David: ‘How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord” (Ps. Lxxxiii. 2).

Should your lot be a prosperous one in this world, you ought to long far more for that blessed place where your joy will be com- plete and everlasting. Should afflictions be your portion, bear them with resignation, if only you can attain eternal happiness. Let earth give you what it will, it can not give you heaven; let earth take from you what it will, it can never deprive you of heaven. There- fore farewell, O vain and fleeting world! Draw near, O blissful heavenly dwelling- place! Would that we were already within thy gates, O Paradise! To such a prayer as this, who would not gladly say: Amen.

O Paradise! O Paradise!
  Who doth not crave for rest?
Who would not seek the happy land
  Where they that loved are blest ?
  Where loyal hearts and true
  Stand ever in the light,
All rapture through and through
  In God’s most holy sight ?