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O Paradise! O Paradise!
  'Tis weary waiting here;
I long to be where Jesus is,
  To feel, to see Him near.

O Jesus! Thou the beauty art
  Of angel worlds above;
Thy name is music to the heart,
  Enchanting it with love.

O my sweet Jesus! hear the sighs
  Which unto Thee I send;
To Thee my inmost spirit cries,
  My being’s hope and end.

Jesus! our only joy be Thou,
  As Thou our prize wilt be;
Jesus! be Thou our glory now,
  And through eternity.

XX. Trust in God: Be of Good Cheer!

I. WITH courage like that of the lion, the young man rushes forth into a hostile world. It appears as if nothing could prevent him from attaining his highest aims, from realizing his youthful ideals. But alas! no sooner do the first obstacles present themselves, no sooner does he perceive that he will have to struggle and fight, no sooner do a few words of mockery or contradiction sound in his ears, than his lion-like courage vanishes, he no longer feels the joy of battle; nerveless and inert, he drops his wings.

And if the force of temptation assails him and, weak and inexperienced as the young man is, he falls into sin, and falls very deeply and grievously, then, instead of rising up with court