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we shall find that the mysteries of the Rosary were like an unseen thread running through them all. Take the story of Magdalen Angelica, whose life was divided according to the three parts of the Rosary. At the commencement of her religious conversion she kept entirely to meditation on the Joyful Mysteries, in order to obtain a childlike gaiety and innocence of heart. Then when she had received the habit of religion, she look the Sorrowful Mysteries to meditate upon, and with them entered upon a long course of austerities and disciplines. And at last she passed on to the Glorious Mysteries; and heaven rained down a very deluge of light and consolation into her soul, so long left disconsolate on the cross of her agonizing Spouse. This light was so divine and wonderful that it often became visible, encircling even her body in a bright luminous cloud, 'She acquired all her perfection,' says her biographer, 'through the meditations of the Rosary': and when one Rosary Sunday, toward the close of her life, she knelt before our Lady's altar, and prayed for innocence of heart, the divine Mother spoke to her and said: 'Be of good heart, my daughter; for that which thou prayest for, thou already hast.' "

In "The Rosary Magazine" we read the following interesting communication: "The Holy Father Pope Pius X has offered a signal mark of his love for the Rosary in granting,