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July 31, 1906, to all those who piously carry the beads about with them, an indulgence of one hundred years and as many quarantines. This indulgence may be gained daily, provided, of course, that one be in a state of grace. Rosarians will recall that this privilege was long enjoyed by members of the Rosary Confraternity, Pope Innocent VIII, in a bull dated Feb. 26, 1491, having conferred it in the blessed hope that such a plenitude of favor might spread devotion to the Rosary over land and sea. In 1899 Pope Leo XIII published a catalogue of indulgences in which the above did not appear. As Rosarians we rejoice that this favor is again ours, and we fervently pray that a still wider propagation of the Rosary devotion may result, and that the desire of the Venerable Pontiff to bring all things to Christ may be speedily realized.

" An indulgence of five years and five quarantines can be gained by Rosarians each time the holy name of Jesus is reverently pronounced in the recitation of the Dominican Rosary."

We read in " The Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament ": "It was our Lady herself who, at Lourdes, excited us to the devotion of the Rosary. She passed through her fingers a long Rosary of glittering beads, smiling the while upon Bernadette, who was reciting her chaplet.

"If we desire to gather the fruit, we must bend the branch. If we long to possess