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and may be made an excellent means pf virtue. But there is, also, a disposition of the heart we may call it a sort of dainty piety - which is a great drawback to virtue. It inflates the spirit, and leaves the heart empty. It seizes upon the spiritual ' tidbits, while good, substantial food is wanting to the soul.

"Do you know in what manly piety consists? In this - that man's will (which constitutes his manliness) be employed in its full strength for God's honor and glory, in His holy service.

"If a commandment of God is to be kept, it is ready to keep it.

"If a good fight is to be fought for principle and virtue, it is ready for action.

"If a difficulty is to be overcome, it is ready for the task.

"Manly piety does not, by any means, despise or disregard external practices of piety, but it regulates them and brings them in harmony with the duties of one's station in life; it keeps away everything extraordinary, end despising the mere appearance, and insisting more upon the interior spirit, it reaches to the heart Proceeding to sacrifice, it labors and toils, struggles and conquers.

"Does it appear to you, that too much is required of you when you are asked to cultivate such manliness?

"Make, at least, the attempt, and begin. 'Lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees' (Heb. xii. 12).

"There are children enough, and plenty of weaklings. Be manly; and, although young in years, put to shame those who call themselves mature, although not such either in thought or deed.