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"The world needs men - not grand geniuses or plausible talkers. It is not sentimentality and dreams that will save it, but acts and deeds. It was not merely by revelations and visions that the saints became such, but by spiritual combat, by self-denial, and overcoming the enemies of their souls.

"Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord" (Ps. xxvi. 14).

"There is only one thing of which a man ought to be ashamed - of evil - to do evil, or to have done it.

"But, miserably enough, he is often ashamed of the very opposite, of avoiding evil and doing good.

"The thought of being ridiculed, blamed, or despised by others, disquiets him; he becomes confused and alarmed; he acts contrary to his better convictions. The inspiration to good is slighted, the favorable opportunity passes - he is overcome - conscience, virtue, God, are surrendered t

"Young people yield easier than others to this false shame, this foolish fear - because their imaginations are so lively, their minds so susceptible to all impressions.

"How many conversions from evil to good, and from good to better, does not this human respect prevent! How much evil does it not cause, how much good does it not frustrate!

"What will they think of me? What will they say to it? They will laugh at me, ridicule me. How can I separate myself from this, or from that? How can I give up this one or that one? They will think hard of me; it will look odd and singular!