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"The whole world is full of such cowards and often those who boast most of their independence are the most pitiful slaves of this mean passion.

"Honor - much-abused word! Does honor consist in cowardly compliance, in a more than untimely readiness to please? in sacrificing conscience? in surrendering our highest and best convictions?

"Has he honor who lies down in cringing servitude - the bond-slave of a word, a jest, a look, a reproach?

"Coward! - for such you are, and as such you are regarded even by those to whom you yield - coward! Why do you suffer yourself to be thus enslaved?

"Are those whom you so much fear your legitimate lords and masters?

"God alone is, by right, your Lord and Master. From Him you have your being; He can take it away from you at His pleasure, whenever He wills - and not they. He shall one day judge you. His good pleasure must be of more value to you than all the displeasure of men. God's displeasure can not be outweighed by all the good pleasure of men.

"'Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you shall fear: fear ye Him who, after He hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. I say to you, fear Him' (Luke ii. 4, 5)

"Alas! what an insult do you offer to God by preferring man before him! Are you, then, ashamed of God?

" What is more honorable than to serve God? to do His holy will? Is He not the King of