Page:The Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist.djvu/140

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Keith—"Mamma, the radio says they are going to practice throwing bombs again. Who throws those terrible bombs that kill people?"
Ginny—"Governments throw them, my son."
Keith—"Where do they get the money to make them? Must cost an awful lot!"
Ginny—"The government takes the tax out of the pay check and people can't help it."
Keith—"Why do the people allow the government to do this? Why don't they refuse to have money taken from their checks?"
Ginny—"Fathers and mothers must work to get food. They must have a job."
Keith—"Does my Daddy help pay taxes for the bomb?"
Ginny—"No, he doesn't make enough."
Keith—"Does Uncle help pay for the bomb?"
Ginny—"No, he does not have steady work. He does not make enough."
Keith—"Why don't we get in a car and go around and tell people what a bad thing they are doing to pay taxes for the bomb? Maybe they would stop."
Ginny—"We have to work to get food and if we did that we would get in jail."
Keith—"They give you food in jail, don't they?"