Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/490

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Indiana University Studies
  and naked. Bisexual adults (known for divisa only) with mesonotum roughened anteriorly about parapsidal grooves, the mesopleura with a limited rough spot. Agamic galls spherical, ellipsoid, or elongate club-shaped with very little spongy material inside; bisexual gall (known for divisa only) an irregularly restricted or subdivided cell attached to the edge of a leaf or rarely in buds or on young shoots.


  Agamic female with abdomen not more than half again as long as high, with tip of second segment extending three-quarters of way to tip; the mesonotum in part punctate and hairy with a large, smooth and naked area. Agamic gall spherical to ellipsoid with almost no spongy tissue inside. Bisexual forms unknown.

C. agama

5. Agamic female of Central Europe with thorax robust and scutellum rugose, as much so anteriorly as posteriorly; northern European insects with mesonotum smooth. Bisexual females with legs bright, clear yellow. Agamic galls soft, sometimes spotted but not banded; bisexual galls with a shorter purplish or reddish pubescence when fresh.

C. folii, 5a

  5a. Agamic female largely rufous and piceous, mesonotum heavily punctate and hairy; scutellum as rugose anteriorly as posteriorly; length 2.8 to 4.0 mm. Agamic galls up to 30.0 mm. in diameter, spongy, shrivelling, becoming russet brown. Bisexual form as in next variety. Central European.

var. folii

    Agamic female largely rufous; mesonotum moderately punctate and hairy; scutellum smoother anteriorly than posteriorly; length 3.0 to 4.4 mm. Agamic gall up to 10.0 mm. in diameter, less spongy, not shrivelling, remaining light brown. Bisexual form as in above variety. Mediterranean Europe.

var. flosculi

    Similar to above. On Q. Ilex in Spain.

var. ilicicola

    Agamic female almost entirely black; mesonotum largely smooth and naked; scutellum as rugose anteriorly as posteriorly; length 2.1 to 2.7 mm. Agamic galls spongy, shrivelling, becoming russet brown. Bisexual form not known.

var. atrifolii

  Agamic female in Central Europe with thorax rather slender and with scutellum smoother especially anteriorly; northern European insects with mesonotum coriaceous or shagreened in places. Bisexual females with legs duller yellow with femora more or less piceous. Agamic galls prominently banded brown-purple. Bisexual galls with a longer, gray pubescence.

C. longiventris, 5b