Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/491

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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips
  5b. Agamic female largely rufous and piceous, mesonotum largely hairy and punctate, anterior parallel and lateral lines prominent, length 2.5 to 3.8 mm. Bisexual form known. More Central European.

var. longiventris

    Agamic female nearly black, the mesonotum largely naked, anterior parallel and lateral lines not prominent, length 1.9 to 2.5 mm. More northern European.

var. forsiusi

6. Agamic insect largely brownish rufous and black; tip of second abscissa of radius not enlarged. Agamic gall elongate horn- or club-shaped. Bisexual form not known. Mediterranean area; Q. pubescens.

C. cornifex

  Agamic insect largely bright rufous; tip of second abscissa slightly enlarged. Agamic gall superficially spherical but flattened on top and bottom, internally with two cavities. Bisexual form not known.

C. disticha

  Agamic insect rufous and piceous (Central Europe) or entirely black (northern Europe), tip of second abscissa prominently enlarged (Central Europe) or not enlarged (northern Europe). Agamic gall strictly spherical. Bisexual insect with mesonotum roughened about parapsidal grooves anteriorly. Bisexual gall an irregularly constricted cell on leaf or in bud.

C. divisa, 6a

  6a. Agamic female rufous and piceous, anterior parallel and lateral lines distinct, tip of second abscissa prominently bent or triangulate, length 2.8 to 4.0 mm. Bisexual form known. More Central European.

var. divisa

    Agamic female entirely black, anterior parallel and lateral lines hardly visible, tip of second abscissa not at all enlarged. Bisexual form not known. More northern Europe.

var. atridivisa


7. Wings long or short; if long, the cubital cell has a basal blotch and numerous spots; galls of various shapes.


  Wings always long, cubital cell with basal blotch but no spots; galls more or less spherical, spiny, squash-shaped or vase-shaped; confined to Calif.

C. echinus, 7a

  7a. Agamic female rufous and black to mostly black; several bisexual forms known; galls various.


    Agamic female wholly bright, brownish rufous; the bisexual form not known; galls irregularly cushion-shaped; Q. dumosa; so. Calif.

var. dumosae