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will promote the welfare of Brahmanas, kine, and all honest men. The son I shall give thee will be the smiter of the wicked and the delight of friends and relatives. Foremost of all men, he will be an irresistible slayer of all foes. Thus addressed by Vasava (the king of celestials) the virtuous king of the Kuru race, well recollecting those words, said unto Kunti,-'O fortunate one, thy vow hath become successful. The lord of the celestials hath been gratified, and is willing to give thee a son such as thou desirest, of superhuman achievements and great fame 1 He will be the oppressor of all enemies and possessed of great wisdom. Endued with a great soul, in splendour equal unto, the Sun invincible in battles, and of great achievements he will also be extremely handsome! O thou of fair hips and sweet smiles, the lord of the celestials hath become graceful of thee! Invoking him, bring thou forth a child who will be the very home of all Kshatriya virtues.'

Vaisa mpayana continued. "The celebrated Kunti, thus addressed by her lord, invoked Sakra, (The king of gods) who thereupon came unto her and beget him that was afterwards called Arjuna. And as soon as this child was born, an incorporeal voice, loud and deep as that of the clouds and filling the whole welkin, distinctly said, addressing Kunti in the hearing of every creature dwelling in that asylum,-'This child of thine, O Kunti, will be equal unto Kartyaviryya in energy and Siva (one of the Hindu gods ) in prowess 1 Invincible like Sakra himself he will spread thy fame far and wide. As Vishnu (the youngest of Aditi's sons) bad enhanced Aditi's joy, so shall this child enhance thy joy ! Subjugating the Madras, the Kurus along with the Somakas, and the peoples of Chedi, Kasi and Karusha, he will maintain the prosperity of the Kurus. (Surfeited with libations at the sacrifice of king Swetaketu), Agni will derive great gratification from the fat of all creatures dwelling in the Khandava woods (to be burnt down) by the might of this one's arms. This mighty hero, vanquishing all the effiminate monarchs of the Earth, will, with his brothers perform three great sacrifices. In prowess, O Kunti, he will be even as Jamadagnya or Vishnu. The foremost of all men endued with prowess, he will achieve great fame. He will gratify in battle (by his heroism) Sankara, the god of gods, (Mahadeva), and will receive from him the great weapon named Pasupata. This thy son of mighty arms will also slay, at the command of. Indra, those Dailyas called the Nivatakavachas who are the enemies of the gods. He will also acquire all kinds of celestial weapons, and this bull among men will also retrieve the doctrined fortunes of his race !

"Kunti heard these extraordinary words, while lying in the room.