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And hearing those words uttered so loudly, the ascetics dwelling on mountain of hundred peaks, and the celestials with Indra sitting in their cars, became exceedingly glad. The sounds of the invisible) Drum filled the entire welkin. There were shouts of joy, and the whole region was covered with flowers showered down by invisible agents. The various tribes of celestials assembled together, began to offer their respectful adorations to the son of Pritha. The sons of Kadru (Nagas), the son of Vinata. the Gandharvas, the lords of the creation, and the seven great Rishis, viz., Bharadwaja, Kasyapa, Gautama, Viswamitra, Jamadagni, Vasish tha, and the illustrious Atri who illumined the world of old when the Sun was lost, all came there. And Marichi, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Daksha the lord of creation, the Candharvas, and Apsaras, came there also. The various tribes of Apsaras, decked with celestial garlands and every ornament, and attired in fine robes, came there and danced in joy, chanting the praises of Vibhatsu (Arjuna). All around, the great Rishis began to utter propitiatory formulas. And Tumvuru accompa ined by the Gandharvas began to sing in charming notes. And Bhimasena and Ugrasena, Urnayus and Anogha, Gopati and Dhritarastra and Surya and Varchas the eighth, Yugapa and Trinapa, Krishna, Nandi, and Chitraratha, Calisira the thirteenth, Parjanya the fourteenth, Kali the fifteenth, and Narada the sixteenth in this list, Saddba, Virbadda, Vribaka, Karala of great soul, Brahmacharin, Vabuguna, Suvarna of great fame, Viswavasu, Bhumanyu, Suchandra. Caru and the celebrated tribes of Haba and Huhu gifted with wonderful melody of voice,-these celestial Gandharvas. O king, all went there. Many illustrious Apsaras also of large eyes, decked with every ornament came there to dance and sing. And Anuchana and Anavadya, Gunamukhya and Gunavara, Adrika and Soma, Misrakesi and Alamvusha, Marichi and Cuchika, Vidyatparna and Tilottama and Amvika, Lakshmana, Kshema Devi, Rambha, Manorama, Ashita, Suvahu, Supriya. Suvapu, Pundarika, Sugandha, Strasa, Promathini, Kamya and Saradwati, ali danced there together. And Menaka, Sahajanya, Karnika, Punjikasthala, Ritusthala. Gritachi, Viswachi, Purvachiti, the celebrated Umlocha, Pramlocha the tenth and Urvasi the eleventh.-these largeeyed dancing girls of heaven--came there and sang in chorus. And Dhatri and Aryaman and Mitra and Varuna and Angasa, Vaga and Indra, Vivaswat, Pushan, Tastri and Parjanya or Vishnu, these twelve Adityas,- and the Pravakas, came there to glorify Pandu's son. And, O king, Mrigavyadha, Sarpa, the celebrated Niriti, Ajaikapada, Ahivradhana, Pinakin, Dahana, Iswara, Kapalin, Sthanu and the illustrious Bhaga these eleven Rudras-also came there. And the twin Aswins,