Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/446

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(Swayamyara Parva continued )

Vaisampayana said.-"Then those illustrious sons of Pritha, on returning to the potter's abode, approached their mother. And those first of men represented Yajnaseni unto their mother as the alms they had obtained that day. And Kunti who was there within the room and saw not her sons, replied, saying,'Enjoy ye all (wbat ye have obtained)!' The moment after, she beheld Krislina and then she said. 'Oh, what have I said ?' And anxious from fear of sin, and reflecting how every one could be extricated from the situation, she took the cheerful Yajnaseni by the band, and approaching Yudhishthira said, 'The daughter of King Yajnasena upon being represented to me by thy younger brothers as the alms they had obtained, from ignorance, O king, I said what was proper, viz. Enjoy ye all what hath been obtained. O thou bull of the Kuru race, tell me how my speech may not become untrue: how sin may not touch the daughter of the king of Panchala, and how also she may not become uneasy !'

Vaisampayana continued,"Thus addressed by bis mother that hero among men, that foremost scion of the Kuru race, the intelligent king (Yudhishthira), reflecting for a moment, consoled Kunti. and addressing Dhananjaya, said,-'By thee, O Phalguna, hath Yajnaseni been won. It is proper, therefore thou shouldst wed her. Othou withstander of all foes, igniting the sacred fire, take thou her hand with due rites!

"Arjuna, hearing this, replied, -O king, do not make me a participa tot in sin! Thy behest is not conformable to virtue 1 That is the path followed by the sinful. Thou shouldst wed first then the strong-armed Bhima of inconceivable feats then myself, then Nakula, and last of all, Sahadeva endued with great activity. Both Vrikodara and Inyself, and the twins and this maiden also, all await, O monarch, thy commands. When such is the state of things, do that, after reflection, which would be proper, and conformable virtue, and productive of fame, and beneficial unto the king of Panchala. All of us are obedient to thee. O, command us as thou likest l'

Vaisampayana continued,-"Hearing these words of Jishnu, so full of respect and affection, the Pandavas all cast their eyes upon the princess of Panchala. And the princess of Panchala also looked at them all. And casting their glances on the illustrious Krishna, those princes looked at one another. And taking their seats, they began to think of Draupadi alone. Indeed, after those princes of immeasurble energy had looked at Draupadi, the god of Desire invaded their hearts and continued to