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crush all their senses. As the ravishing beauty of Panchali who had been modelled by the Creator himself, was superior to that of all other women on earth, it could captivate the heart of every creature. And Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, beholding his younger brothers, understood what was passing in their minds. And that bull among menimmediately recollected the words of Krishna-Dwaipayana. And the King then, from fear of a division amongst the brothers, addressing all of them. said -- "The auspicious Draupadi shall be the common wife of us all r'

Vaisampayana continued. The sons of Pandu then, hearing those words of their eldest brother, began to revolve them in their minds in great cheerfulness. The hero of the Vrishni race (Krishna suspecting the five persons he had seen at the Swayamvara to be none else than the heroes of the Kuru race), came accompanied by the son of Rohini (Valadeva), to the house of the potter where those foremost of men had taken up their quarters. On arriving there, Krishna and Valadeva beheld seated in that potter's house Ajatasatru (Yudhishthira) of well-developed and long arms, and his younger brothers passing the splendour of fire sitting around him. Then Vasudeva approaching that foremost of virtuous menthe son of Kunti-and touching the feet of that prince of the Ajamida race, said, 'I am Krishna! And the son of Rohini (Valadeya) also approaching Yudhisthira, did the same. And the Pandavas, beholding Krishna and Valadeva, began to express great delight. And, thou foremost of the Bharata race, those beroes of the Yadu race thereafter touched also the feet of (Kunti) their father's sister. And Ajatasatru-that foremost of the Kuru race, beholding Krishna, enquired after his well-being and asked,- 'How, O Vasudeva, hast thou been able to trace us, as we are living in disguise ?" And Vasudeva, smilingly answered, -'O king, fire, even if it is covered, can be known. Who else among men, than the Pandavas could exhibit such might? Ye resisters of all foes, ye sons of Pandu, by sheer good fortune have ye escaped from that fierce fire ! And it is by sheer good fortune alone that the wicked son of Dhritarashtra and his counsellors have not succeeded in accomplishing their wishes. Blest be ye ! And grow ye in prosperity like a fire in a cave gradually growing and spreading it. self all around! And lest any of the monarchs recognise ye, let us return to our tentI' Then, obtaining Yudhishthira's leave, Krishna of prosperity knowing no decrease, accompanied by Valade va, bastily went away from the potter's abode."

Thus ends the hundred and ninety-third section in the Swayamvara Parva of the Adi Parva.