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Raymond, M. (homme de couleur de Saint-Dominique):

Observations sur l'origine et le progres du prejuge des colons blancs contre les hommes de couleur. Paris, 1791.

Rogers, Rev. G. C.:

The Repeal of the Missouri Compromise Considered. (An Argumentative Poem.) Newark, N. J., 1856.

Roper, Moses:

The Escape of Moses Roper. 1837.

Ruggles, David:

The Extinguisher "Extinguished." New York, 1834.

Rush, Christopher:

Sancho, Ignatius:

Letters of the Late I.S., an African to which are Prefixed Memoirs of His Life, by Joseph Jekyll, London, 1782. 2v.
The Theory of Music. 1789.

Saunders, Prince:

An Address Delivered at Bethel Church. Philadelphia, 1818.
A Memoir Presented to the American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the African Race. Philadelphia, 1818.

Sipkins, Henry:

Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Delivered in the African Church, New York, 1809.

Smith, James McCune:

Lecture on the Haytien Revolutions, with a Sketch of the Character of Toussaint L'Ouverture. New York, 1841.

Still, William:

The Underground Railway. Philadelphia, 1872.

Straker, D. Augustus:

The New South Investigated. Detroit, 1888.

Tanner, Bishop Benjamin T.:

An Apology for African Methodism. Baltimore, 1867.
The Color of Solomon—What? Philadelphia, 1895.

The Journal of Freedom:

First Negro Newspaper edited by John B. Russwurm and Rev. Samuel E. Cornish. New York, 1827.

The Mirror of Freedom (Periodical). Edited by David Ruggles.
The North Star (Periodical):

Edited by Frederick Douglass. Subsequently changed to Frederick Douglass' Own Paper. Rochester, 1847.

Thomas, J. J.:

Froudacity: West Indian Fables. London, 1889.
The Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar. Port of Spain, 1859.

Trotter, James M.:

Music and Some Highly Musical People. Boston, 1878.

Vassa, Gustavus:

An Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olandah Equiano or G. V. the African, written by himself. First American edition with portrait by Tiebout, New York, 1791.
Ibid., to which are added poems on various subjects by Phyllis Wheatley, J. Nicholson Co., Halifax, 1813.