Page:The family kitchen gardener - containing plain and accurate descriptions of all the different species and varieties of culinary vegetables (IA familykitchengar56buis).pdf/120

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manure to stimulate its luxuriance. In southern latitudes it must be planted in moist situations, and under the shade of buildings, to ward off the scorching rays of the sun at mid-day, and in dry periods it must be watered freely. The whole of this continent, from the Gulf of Mexico to Hudson's Bay, may enjoy the luxury of this vegetable.

Its cultivation may be pursued to any extent for its root for medicinal purposes. In such a case, the species Undulatum and Palmatum should be planted two by four feet apart. They should not be robbed of their leaves at any period of their growth. After the roots have been seven years under culture, they are then ready to be lifted. After being washed thoroughly and deprived of their small fibres, cut the strong roots into pieces about two inches long, and these pieces lengthwise. Thread them on cords and hang them up to dry. These cords should be turned upside down every day for a week, to prevent the juice settling in any one part of the root. They should not be laid on boards to dry, for the board will absorb a portion of the juice, depriving the roots of so much of their strength. We doubt not but it may thus be dried as perfectly in this country as in any of those where it is cultivated for export.


Tragopògon pòrifolius.—Salsifis, Fr.

Salsafy is a hardy carrot-rooted biennial, a native of the mountain meadows of Switzerland. It is considered wholesome and nutricious, and much esteemed by some classes, under the name of Oyster-plant, from its flavor after being cooked, having a considerable resemblance to the Oyster. It makes an excellent variety at the table, and forms an agreeable dish throughout the Winter season. As the Oyster is a very celebrated fish, and many in the interior rarely obtain it, all may