Page:The family kitchen gardener - containing plain and accurate descriptions of all the different species and varieties of culinary vegetables (IA familykitchengar56buis).pdf/121

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cultivate this vegetable, which really makes a near approach to it in taste, when cooked in the following manner. Previous to boiling the roots, let them be slightly scraped, and then laid in water for about an hour; then boil them till quite tender. Let them be taken out and laid to drain for a short time, during which a thick batter should be made with the white of eggs beaten up with a little flour. Grate the roots down tolerably fine; press them into small flattened balls; dip these in the batter, and roll them into grated crackers or crumbs of bread; then fry them in a pan till they are of a deep brown color, when they are ready for the table, and will form a very agree- able and even delicious dish.

Culture.—Sow the seed in drills, half an inch deep, and ten inches apart, in April, or before the end of May. As soon as the plants are an inch high, thin them out with the hoe to four or six inches apart. Keep the ground clear of weeds, giving them the general culture of Carrots. This vegetable is perfectly hardy, and may stand out all Winter, though it is necessary to store away a quantity for Winter use when the ground is hard frozen. They like a deep, rich soil, and will be in good condition for the table till the end of March.


Scorzonèra hispánica. —Scorzonere, Fr.

This vegetable is a native of Spain, and has, to a limited ex- tent, been long in cultivation. There is very little difference between the character and flavor of this root and that of Salsafy. It is cultivated more as a variety than for any real utility as a vegetable. It is cooked in the same manner as the former, and cultivated with the Carrot. The seed must be sown in April, as it requires longer to mature than either the Salsafy or the Carrot.