Page:The looking-glass.djvu/120

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the looking-glass.

I attended a meeting in which I heard a colored man preach and pray in the native tongue. He is one of the natives, and having experienced religion, and learned to read the Bible, was considered capable of explaining it to the natives in their own language.

I trust that all good people of all nations will be roused up to the great work of civilizing the human family, and spreading the Gospel throughout the whole world, so that peace and tranquillity may prevail in every part of the earth, and the triumphant songs of redeemed spirits be heard in every green valley and upon every hill-top. Then will the nations learn war no more, and all tears will be. wiped from the eyes of the mourners in Zion.

The only way to redeem Africa is to settle it as soon as possible. Take hold of the land, cultivate it, and in employing the natives, cultivate their minds at the same time that the land is rendered fruitful. Set good examples before them, and treat them well. In that way, we should soon gain both themselves and the land, and should all become one people in manners, habits, and religion. Then we should all become full citizens, and enjoy all the privileges of other nations.

The minds of the natives and the land are just