Page:The looking-glass.djvu/121

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necessity of cultivation.

alike while uncultivated. The lands want ploughing up and sowing down with grain, and the different kinds of herd grass, and it is necessary to cross the breed of their flocks and herds.

The minds of the natives must be broken up with the ploughshare of the Gospel, and the seeds of grace, love, and unity must be planted in their minds, and they will bring forth much fruit to the glory of God, and be a blessing to the human family. I see that the Law and Gospel must work together in unity for the improvement of this country; and when brought to bear upon it, they will carry everything before them. Darkness and heathen principles will flee away, and wisdom and light must follow. Therefore, we have nothing to fear if we live according to the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; for it will then go well with us in time and in eternity. If the Lord is for us, he is more than all that are against us: therefore will I ever trust Him in all things.

I saw that a number of the natives had joined the Church in Monrovia, and had become good members; and still more of them are coming in. They are very much pleased with our people, and always ready to serve them. Therefore we ought to treat them well in all things, for the lands were in their