Page:The looking-glass.djvu/95

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Dr. Roberts; also upon Mr. James Magill, and a number of merchants and others.

The President's lady is a very fine looking woman, and so is Mrs. Dr. Roberts. There is no better society to be found in any part of the world. I am very much pleased with it, and with the appearance of things here. The President and his lady are strict members of the Church.

The whole view from this spot is beautiful; and upon summing up, and taking into consideration the country, sea-board, rivers, mountains, vales and plains, I must say that I never saw a more attractive place. Monrovia is perfectly healthy, and contains, at this time, three large stone Churches, an Academy, and High School, and all other conveniences required by a large town. There are four ministers.

The people all look well, and have fine cattle, pigs, and goats. In fact, this place looks more like the Garden of Eden, than any place that I have ever seen or read about.

There are a number of vessels in the harbor, American, English and Spanish, both war vessels and merchantmen, with captains and officers of all kinds. I am now writing in a very pleasant room with six windows, airy, cool, and well carpeted, with a handsome mirror, and other furniture of the best