Page:The looking-glass.djvu/96

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the looking-glass.

description. The people are all very kind ar.d respectable.

The port is on elevated ground, commanding a full view of the sea, the three rivers, Montserrado, Junk, and St. Paul's.

I am very sorry to say that many false things have been said about this place, and the people who inhabit it: and even in the colored Churches of the United States, currency has been given to slanderous falsehoods of the most glaring description. Thus they talk of things about which they know nothing, instead of preaching the pure Gospel of Christ. I can assure the reader, that the people in Liberia look as respectable as the best of the colored people in the United States, while they enjoy five times as much liberty, as ladies and gentlemen in the possession of all the comforts of life, and this in a nation of their own.

The Legislative body is now in session. Respectable citizens from every county are doing the business of Government; and it is delightful to behold. Ladies and gentlemen from the United States men-of-war came to see those colored men making laws for their young republic, and it is truly wonderful to see how well they get on.

There are several wealthy merchants here. Messrs.