Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/643

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 133. 1855. 623 dred dollars. (Commercial agent.) St. Martin, five hundred dollars. (Commercial agent.) Curacoa, five hundred dollars. (Commercial a ent. gSi;(i. 6. And be it further enacted, That no envoy extraordinary and Nom, of qw minister plenipotentiary, commissioner, secretary of legation, dragoman, above cfiicers to interpreter, consul, or commercial agent, who shall after the thirtieth day g*;“g’:§1;§1 of June next be appointed to any of the countries or places herein post and (mmm.; named, be entitled to compensation until he shall have reached his post °¤ W d¤*·i¤¤· and entered upon his official duties. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of every pay of Said envoy extraordinary and minister pleuipotentiary, commissioner, seere- °m¤°¥¤ to <=¢=*~§¤ tary of legation, dragoman, interpreter, consul, and commercial agent, gscgggsggyggfgf, who shall, after the thirtieth day of June next, be appointed to any of the eutheir omce. countries or places herein named, shall cease on the day that his successor shall enter upon the duties of his office. , Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That no envoy extraordinary and provision ,.9 minister plenipotentiary, commissioner, secretary of legation, dragoman, Sgwting their interpreter, consul, or commercial agent, shall absent himself from the :‘hg§,";§S€;?m country to which he is accredited, or from his consular district, for a longer period than ten days without having previously obtained leave from the President of the United States, and that during his absence for any period longer than that time, either with or without leave, his salary shall not be allowed him. _ Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the President shall appoint Resident cmno other than citizens of the United States, who are residents thereof, or Z¤¤S_<>¤iy W `¤¤ who shall be abroad in the employment of the government at the time gggfxtigttgg of their appointment, as envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotem cases. tiary, commissioners, secretaries of legation, dragomans, interpreters, consuls, or commercial agents, nor shall other than citizens of the United States be employed either as vice-consuls or consular agents, or as clerks in the offices of either, and have access to the archives therein deposited. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That envoys extraordinary and Location of ministers plenipotentiary, and consuls, shall be required to locate their EEE? Md °m°° legations and consulates, in the places in which they are established, in ` as central a position as can be conveniently procured, and keep them open daily from ten o’cloek in the morning until four o’clock in the afternoon; Sundays, other holidays, and anniversaries excepted. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That as soon as a consul or com- Bonds of mercial agent shall be officially notified of his appointment, he shall ;’,f;‘;‘l;§?‘;§€Sm‘ execute a bond with two sureties, in a sum of not less than one thousand S ' nor more than ten thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of every duty relating to his oiliee; which bond shall be satisfactory to the United States district attorney for the district in which the appointed consul resides, and be transmitted to the Secretary of State for his approval. If the consul is not in the United States at the time he is commissioned, as soon as he is apprized of the fact he shall sign, and transmit by the most expeditious conveyance, a bond like the aforesaid, which shall afterwards be undersigned by two sureties who are permanent residents of the United States, and approved by the State Department. Where there _ _ is a United States legation in a country to which a consul shall be fm_a£££L;’:;',;:;f appointed, application shall be made through it to the government for an exequatur ; but where there is none, the application shall be made direct to H10 pI`0p€I' d€p3.I`l'.HlOHl• Foes Ofcgngujs Sec. 12. And be itfurt/wr enacted, That it shall be the duty of consuls and commercial and commercial agents to charge the following tees for performing the “5"“§*:ch ms to services specified, for which, under the penalty of being removed from be accgunbgd for Oflice, they shall account to the government at the expiration of every every1 thrggd to three months, and hold the proceeds subject to its drafts : —- E203m;},,,, to i ra t.