Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/644

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6*24 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 133. 1855. For receiving For receiving and delivering ships' papers, half cent on every mn,

,Q{;s‘}‘%‘$;l‘;g registered measurement, of the vessel for which the service is performed_

For mmm For every seaman who may be discharged or shipped at the consulatg nppptp or me- pr ccmgegpciall ppgncy, plrlin gee port; in whrgh they {arc located, one do]. °°-YS · ar;wi sa epai y emasero tevesse. Pgs5S5ft2H22S- be For every other certificate, except p&SSp01‘tS——tbG Signing and vcriiimm cation of which shall ibe free- two dollars. l · Powe,. of c0,,_ Sec. 13. And be zt.further'enacted, That m capitals where a legagion pple gap'; egg? of the United States is established, consuls and commercial agents shall r:;*1‘g:;z;*“°" h`§iL§Zi°é’§$2L‘°3?Si,°£t‘i,“?§Q22E3S13KP““P°”” “` “‘° "‘ "‘° No commission Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That no commission shall in

  • 0 M ¤mS°d °¤ future be charged by consuls or commercial agents for receivinc or

WB.gGS 0I' €Xl}l'R» . . · G ,,,8,,, 0, ,,,1,,,; disbui-sing the wages or extra wages to which seamen may be entitled m¤¤¤y· who are discharged by the masters of vessels in foreign countries, or fm- N<> ¤<>¤S}11 OY moneys advanced to such as may be found in distress, seeking relief from

§,;‘f,*:;fog';°;]- the consulate or commercial agency; nor shall any consul or commercial

clothing, board- agent be directly or indirectly interested in any profits derived from §:§£g's°;°u’:g$E clothing, boarding, or sending home such seamen. Provision M_ 15. And. be ct farther enacted, That no consul or_ commercial gpxggting die. agent of the United States shall discharge any manner, being a citizen ¤ Mw <>Y ¤¤¤· of the United States, in a foreign port, without requiring the payment of mY;," um the two months’ wages to which said mariner is entitled under the

 m°° provisions of the act of February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and

1803, ch. 0. three, unless, upon due investigation into the circumstances under which the master and mariner have jointly applied for such discharge, and on a private examination of such mariner by the consul or commercial agent, separate and apart from all officers of the vessel, the consul or commercial agent shall be satisfied that it is for the interest and welfare of such mariner to be so discharged; nor shall any consul or commercial agent discharge any mariner as aforesaid without requiring the full amount of Three mouths three m0nths’ wages, as provided by the above-named act, unless under PW- puch cipcumsfances as will, in his judgment, secure the United States Prcviw vs to rom al liabi ityto expense on account of such mariner: Provided, That 22`3gg;‘;;,“°;6S_ in the cases of stranded vessels, or vessels condemned as untit for service, mis, wd as to no payment of extra wages shall be required; and where any mariner, ¤¤b¤°°1¤°t!¤* °x· after his discharge, shall have incurred expense at the port of discharge g::;,;;,? my before shipping again, such expense shall be paid out of the two months' wages aforesaid, and the balance only delivered to him. E0. 16. And be it further enacted, That every consul and commercial LM ¤f div- agent of the United States shall keep a detailed list of all mariners §};;*,ff°:n;°rg° discharged by them, respectively, specifying their names and the names turned. of the vessels from which they were discharged, and the payments, if any, afterwards made on account of each, and shall make official returns of said- lists half—yearly to the Treasury Department. _ Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That every consul and commercial eh5g;? of ESQ; agent of the United States shall make an official entry of every discharge ring Mum, ,,,,,,1 which they may grant, respectively, on the list of the crew and shipping ist of crew. pgticles of the {vessel from which such discharge shall be made, speciifying e payment, i any, which has been required in each case; and i they shall have remitted the a ment of the two rnonths’ wa es to which the mariner is entitled, tlieyghhll also certify on said shippingé; list and articles that they have allowed the remission, upon the joint application of the master and mariner therefor, after a separate examination of the mariner, after a due investigation of all the circumstances, and after being satisfied that the discharge so allowed, without said payment, is for the interest and welfare of the mariner; and if they shall have remitted the payment of the one montlfs wages to which the United States is entitled, they shall certify that they have allowed the remission, after a due investigation of