Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/342

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 2150

PUBLIC LAW 99-514—OCT. 22, 1986 (i) the project involves production platforms for offshore drilling, oil and gas pipeline to shore, process and storage facilities, and a marine terminal, and (ii) at least $900,000,000 of the costs of such project were incurred Isefore September 26, 1985. (B) A project is described in this subparagraph if— (i) such project involves a fiber optic network of at least 20,000 miles, and (ii) before September 26, 1985, construction commenced pursuant to the master plan and at least $85,000,000 was spent on construction. (C) A project is described in this subparagraph if— (i) such project passes through at least 10 States and involves intercity communication links (including one or more repeater sites, terminals and junction stations for microwave transmissions, regenerators or fiber optics and other related equipment), (ii) the lesser of $150,000,000 or 5 percent of the total project cost has been expended, incurred, or committed before March 2, 1986, by one or more taxpayers each of which is a member of the same affiliated group (as defined in section 1504(a)), and (iii) such project consists of a comprehensive plan for meeting network capacity requirements as encompassed within either: (I) a November 5, 1985, presentation made to and accepted by the Chairman of the Board and the president of the taxpayer, or (II) the approvals by the Board of Directors of the parent company of the taxpayer on May 3, 1985, and September 22, 1985, and of the executive committee of said board on December 23, 1985. (D) A project is described in this subparagraph if— (i) such project is part of a flat rolled product modernization plan which was initially presented to the Board of Directors of the taxpayer on July 8, 1983, (ii) such program will be carried out at 3 locations, and (iii) such project will involve a total estimated minimum capital cost of at least $250,000,000. (E) A project is described in this subparagraph if the project is being carried out by a corporation engaged in the production of paint, chemicals, fiberglass, and glass, and if— (i) the project includes a production line which applies a thin coating to glass in the manufacture of energy efficient residential products, if approved by the management committee of the corporation on January 29, 1986, (ii) the project is a turbogenerator which was approved by the president of such corporation and at least $1,000,000 of the cost of which was incurred or committed before such date, (iii) the project is a waste-to-energy disposal system which was initially approved by the management committee of the corporation on March 29, 1982, and at