Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/344

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 2152

PUBLIC LAW 99-514—OCT. 22, 1986 (II) the Board of Directors of an automobile manufacturer approved a written plan for the conversion of an existing facility to produce a new model of a vehicle currently not produced in the United States, such facility will be placed in service by July 1, 1987, and such Board action occurred in July 1985, with respect to a $523,000,000 expenditure, in June 1983, with respect to a $475,000,000 expenditure, or in July 1984, with respect to a $312,000,000 expenditure. (K) A project is described in this subparagraph if either— (i) the project involves a joint venture between a utility company and a paper company for a super calendar paper mill, and at least $50,000,000 were incurred or committed with respect to such project before March 1, 1986, or (ii) the project involves a paper mill for the manufacture of newsprint (including a cogeneration facility) is generally based on a written design and feasibility study that was completed on December 15, 1981, and will be placed in service before January 1, 1991, or (iii) the project is undertaken by a Maine corporation and involves the modernization of pulp and paper mills in Millinocket and/or East Millinocket, Maine, or (iv) the project involves the installation of a paper machine for production of coated publication papers, the modernization of a pulp mill, and the installation of machinery and equipment with respect to related processes, as of December 31, 1985, in excess of $50,000,000 was incurred for the project, as of July 1986, in excess of $150,000,000 was incurred for the project, and the project is located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, or (v) involves property of a type described in ADR classes 26.1, 26.2, 25, 00.3 and 00.4 included in a paper plant which will manufacture and distribute tissue, towel or napkin products; is located in Effingham County, Georgia; and is generally based upon a written General Description which was submitted to the Georgia Department of Revenue on or about June 13, 1985. (L) A project is described in this subparagraph if— (i) a letter of intent with respect to such project was executed on June 4, 1985, and (ii) a 5-percent downpayment was made in connection with such project for 2 10-unit press lines and related equipment. (M) A project is described in this subparagraph if— (i) the project involves the retrofit of ammonia plants, (ii) as of March 1, 1986, more than $390,000 had been expended for engineering and equipment, and (iii) more than $170,000 was expensed in 1985 as a portion of preliminary engineering expense. (N) A project is described in this subparagraph if the project involves bulkhead intermodal flat cars which are placed in service before January 1, 1987, and either—