Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/337

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1858. 317 That the Secretaries of the Treasury and Navy be, and they are hereby, thll;6 gulgglgg authorized and required to ascertain in such way as they may deem best, in; ,21;,,,,1 hog; the actual value of the ten acres of land heretofore belonging to- the naval pim}, and ceded, hospital estate at Chelsea, Massachusetts, and ceded by the sixth section ;‘:1g°;;‘Et£"‘z0 of *‘ An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic service of the ,,,,,,,,1 MSP;. the government," approved the third March, eighteen hundred and fifty- wl f¤¤g· 1__5 6 tive, for the purposes of a marine hospital for the district of Boston and 1$5i ° ‘,229 ' Charlestown. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay the so °X' p` ` ascertained value of the said ten acres, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the credit of the naval hospital fund, out of which the original purchase of the property so ceded was made. New York.——For completing heating apparatus, and repairs of build- New York. ings and fences, thirteen thousand two hundred dollars. Naval Asylum, Phz`ZadeQ0hia.—For gateway and iron gate on Shippen Philadelphia. street, and road from same; repairs to furnaces, grates, and ranges; painting main building and lodges; brick floors in governor’s and surgeons’ houses ; cleaning and wliitewashing; gas tax, water tax, furniture for the asylum and repairs, and for general repairs, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For support of beneficiaries at the asylum, twenty-six thousand three Beneficiaries. hundred and ninety-two dollars. NoqfoZlc.——For repairs of buildings and appurtenances, eleven thousand Norfolk. dollars. Pensacola.-—For draining and filling ponds, and repairs of buildings Pensacola. and grounds, eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars. Magazines. Magazines. For the construction and completion of works, and for the current repairs at the several naval magazines: Portsmouth, New Humps/zire.——For gun carriage shop and storehouse, Portsmouth, boiler room, engine and machinery, and repairs of all kinds, forty-six N· H' thousand six hundred dollars. .Boston.——For repairs of all kinds, one thousand five hundred dollars. Boston. New York.—I*`or dredging channel to Ellis’ island, and repairs of all New York. kinds, six thousand eight hundred dollars. Pbz`la,deh1}z1Ia.—-For repairs of all kinds, one thousand dollars. Philadelphia. Norjfoll:.—To complete ordnance building, continuation of sea wall at Norfolkmagazine, and for iron crane at Fort Norfolk, sixty-one thousand two hundred and sixty-five dollars. Pe1zsacola.—For repairs of all kinds, one thousand dollars. Pensacola. rllure Island, OaZifornia.—-For shell house, magazine, keeper’s house Moro ISl=>·¤d, and grounds, tank house and nlling room, railway and cars to transport Cul` powder to and from magazine, shot beds, cleaning and piling shot and shells, eleven thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For pay of superintendents, naval constructors, and all the civil estab- Civil establishlishuiems at the several navy yards and stations, one hundred and thirty- “fr’jf:;;d’;“é:_Y nine thousand two hundred and thirty-two dollars. &0ng_ For the purchase of nautical instruments required for the use of the Instr-umontz navy ; for repairs of the same, and also of astronomical instruments; and b°°k-is m”·P”·¤ °· for the purchase of nautical books, maps, and charts, and for backing and binding the same, eighteen thousand dollars. For printing and publishing sailing directions, hydrographical surveys, ri-inting, 8gc. and astronomical observations, in addition to the balance on hand, five gjéhug d“°°*'°”° thousand dollars. ` For continuing the publication of the series of wind and current charts, Wifi? gid cul`- and for defraying all the expenses connected therewith, eighteen thousand me ° a s' dollars. 'l`o enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay the salary of Professor- Prot ESPY-