Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/338

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318 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1858. James P. Espy, two thousand dollars; the payment to be made in the same manner and under the like control as former appropriations for Employment meteorological observations: Provided, That the employment of a me- °*` m°*°°¤‘°l°Si5* teorologist, under the contract of the Secretary of the Navy, shall §(Q§“S° Jam 3°’ cease on and after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty- nine. M°d°lS» &°· For models, drawings, and copying; for postage, freight, and transportation; for keeping grounds in order; for fuel and lights; and fbi- all other contingent expenses; and for the wages of persons employed at the United States Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office, viz: one Pay of watch- instrument maker, two watchmen, and one porter, six thousand one hun- “‘°“‘ drcd and sixty dollars: Provided, That the compensation of the watchmcn employed at the United States Observatory and Hydrographical Office shall be the sume as that paid to the several watclunen employed in the executive departments of the government. Naval Academy- For improvement and repairs of buildings and grounds, and support of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland,forty-fiv·e thousand six hundred and seventy-one dollars and twenty-two cents. Almanac. For preparing for publication the American Nautical Algnanao, twenty- six thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. lllive steam For five steam sloops, authorized by act third March, eighteen hun- S 00 S, . . .' .s 185,}; Ch. 1111 § 5. tlgeflusnd fifty -ses en, one mdhon three hundred and Hity thousand A"l”’ p’ M7' To enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay for the preparation of a m\$iff‘I“ for the code of regulations for the government of the navy, as directed in the ` seventh section of the act entitled “An act making appropriations for the 1”7»“i‘·]“¤§7· naval service for the year ending the thirtieth 0k` June, eighteen hundred A"¢<2 P- 247- and fifty-eight," approved third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, E>¤<>¤d¤d- three thousand dollars : Provideeé That the provisions of the seventh section of the naval appropriation bill approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, directing the Secretary of the Navy to have prepared, and to report to Congress at this session for its approval, a code of regulations for the government of the navy, and so forth, be extended to the next session of Congress. comms erm- To enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay the expenses of courts of quiry- inquiry to investigate the cases of certain OlHCC1`S afrectcd by the act, 185-;, ch_ i2_ entitled "An act to amend an act entitled ‘ A11 act to promote the eih- Antc, p. 153. eiency of the Navy ’ " approved sixteenth January, eighteen liundred and Hlty-seven, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. Charts of ex- For completing the publication of the charts of the late expedition For §"u‘?‘i‘}{;; °f the the exploration of the River La Plata and its tributaries, five thousand 'dollars. Bm-cmu of ord· That the superintendent of public printing be, and is hereby, directed, £;Qgi;lf§‘t;tgf to trzmsfer to the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrogmphy the plates from chgyrfg, gw, of which the illustrations and charts of the Inte Japan Expedition were •g;t\])i\l'l expedi— Pyjmcd_ msgly of clerks Sue. 2.. And be it jim/zer enacted, That from and 2li·[G1' the first day ,,,1,1 ,m,m,,gB,.s of July, mghteen hundred and the clerks and messengers at the QJG 3;:::1, navy yard and. marine barracks at Washington, shall be entitled to receive fg5g5h_ s2_ the compensation authouzed by the acts of April twenty-second, eighteen 1854, eh. 268. hundred and fifly—four, and August fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-tour, gg? ¤¢· PP- 276iibr the payment of which, such sum as may be necessary, be, and the ' same is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. 11 B3? }>7¤¤;y;$; Sec. rand be further enacted,- That it shall be lawful to enlist boys of nge, wm; 02m_ for service in the Dmted States marine corps, with the consent of their sent of parents, parents or guardians, not being under eleven nor over seventeen years of

({“‘;>’S;;c°; age, to serve until they shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years; the

wl,-i,,,, ,,0,-ps um boys so enlisted to receive the same pay, rations, clothing, and so forth, ti 21.