Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/847

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INDEX. 803 nes nun Appropriations, General, (continued.) Appropriations, General, (continued.) posvonice department, 113 capitol extension; ... 86 pnpcr and printing for departments, ll3 dome, . . .., 86 mint, .. . . . . 113 works of nrt, . S8 N. Y. assay office, 114 public grounds,. 85, 88, 89 territories, ... , 114 Washington nqueduct, 86 Kansas, .. . . 114 Japan plants, 86 Iilixmesotu, .. 114 electoral messenger, . . 86 Nebraska, . .,.. . . 114 land surveys, ... 86, 87, 88 New Mexico, 114 boundary between Texas and New Owgon, . 114 Mexico, ... 87 Umm, ... 114 insane, ... . ... 87, 88 Vlrashington, 114 burial lots, . . 88 judiciary, ... 114, 115 Ingraham medal, . 88 judges, .. 115 exploring expedition, . 88 court expenses, .. 116 seventh census, .. 88 att0rney·general’s office, ... 115 Washington Infirmary, ... 88 California land-claims, 115 I law library room, BS law-hooks, .. . 115 1’resident’s house, .. . . . 88, 89 codifying laws of District of library, . S9 Columbia., . I 15 bridges, . 89 district attorneys, . 115 public buildings, . 89 mnrslmls, ... . ... 115 new jail, ..,. 89 reporter, 115 agricultural statistics, . 89 court of claims, .. 115 patent:-office building, . 89 independent treasury, . 115, H6 neutrality acts,. .,..,... . . 89 collection of land revenue, . . . . 116 suppression of sluvmtmde, 90 penitentiary, ... . ..., 116 Audubon’s birds and quudrupcds, . . 90 public buildings, repairs nnd care filling up dock in Boston, . 90 of, ... H6, 117 Minnesota, . . 90 public grounds, .. 117 powder magazine at Man Island, employees at bridges, . 117 (Cal.,). . . 90 Bailey Brown, . .. 117 extra clerks in office of Indian afi auxiliary guprd, .. ll? fairs, . . ... . . . . . . 90 construction of act of 1855, ch. 133, additional mileage uml compensation revising the diplomatic system, as of members of congress, . ... 90 to sulzwies, ... 117, 118 revenue cutters on the lakes, ... 90 pay of marine band, .. 118 sale of old ones, . - .,.. 90 general consular and diplomatic nppropri- officers oi,. . . .. . . 90 ation bill for 1856-7, ... 27, 28, 29 additional clerks of Postmasterseamen, . 28 General authorized, . . 90, 91 shipwrecks, ..,... 28 purchase of three stores at Atlantic commissioner under reciprocity Dock, (N. Y.,) . , . . . 91 treaty, .. 28, 29 pay of commissioner under reciproc- Barbary pcwcrs, . 28 ity treaty, ... . ..,. 91 salaries, 27, 28, 29 extra. clcrk·hire in lund·0iHccs, . 91 miscellaneous, . 28, 29 pv.vment·holders of California war appropriation bill for "cert.ain civil ex- lwnds, . . .. 91 penscs " tbr the year 1856-7,. ,... . . . . 81 patennollice, additional examiners coast; survey, . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 and assistuntexamiucrs,au\li0rizcd repairs of stenmers, . ._ ... . 81 in, ... 91 seamen,. 82 pay of those acting us such hithlight-house establishment, . .. 82, 83 erto, ,. 91 Pacific const, . . .. S2 suppression of Indian hostilities in light-houses, &c., at Oregon and \Vushington, . . . 92 C0H·in’s Patches, ... 82, 83 pa ment to commissioners on Cali- Ship Shoal, . 83 zornizv. land-claims, ..., . .. . 92 Sow and Pigs, ... 83 payment to certain Cltemkees, . 92 Minot’s Ledge, .. 83 salary of chaplain of the peniten- Brandywine Shoal, . . . 83 tiary, ...,. . . . . 92 beacons, buoys, and liglmships, 83 mm of payment for Congressional boawcling station at Pass s. Globe and Appendix, . . 92 l’Outrc, ,.. 83 4- examiner of drugs at Sun Francisco court-houses. Scc Court-Ilauses. to be appointed, 92 post-ofliccs. Sec Post- Qyfce. Secretary of Treasury authorized to cusimn-houses. See (Jus/om»House. construct: certain court-houscs,cusmurine hospitals. See IIus Jitals. tom-houses, and posuofliccs,. . , 92, 93 pay of officers, &c., in l3ehring’s appropriations therefor, . 93, 94 Straits expedition, . 85 no money to be expended until Henry Woods, ... . . . . 85 in valid title is obmined to the Samuel Roseburg, . ., 85 land for the site, . . . 93 vaults for independent treasury, 86 l general legislative, executive, und judicial treasury extension, .. . 86 nppropiiution bill for l857-8,. 206