Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/848

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804 INDEX. nun _ _ _ _ nc: Appropriations, General, (continued.) Appropnqtzmzs, General, (commued.) legislative, . . . . . . . mdepcndent treasury, . 218 scnntc, .. . 206 collection of land rcvcnuc, 218 _ house, .. 206, 207, 208 penitentiary, . 218 library of Congress, .. 208 exploring czgpcditicmsz . 219 public printing,. .. 208 public buildings, repairs and care of, 219 court of claims, ... . .. . . . . 208 public grounds, .. 219 executive, ... 208 President’s house, 219 state department.. 208, 209, 220 botauic garden, .. 219, 220 sccrctm·v’s officc, . . 208 auxiliary guard, .. 219 Bienniai Register, 209 work of art by H. Powers, . 220 Howau·d’s Reports, .. . . 209 Cayuse war c aims, .. , 220 N. E. executive building, .. 209 Mr. Goodwin, 220 clerks in, 220 rmc of pay of consuls, &c., 220 treasury department,. 209, 210, 211, 220 secretary of lcgation at Madrid, 220 assistant secretary of, how ap- F. H. Seymour, authorized to accept pointed, ... 220 a memento from Emperor of Russccrctary’s 0('Hcc, . 209, 210 sia, ... 220 comptrollersf othecs, .. 209, 210 terms of court in Minnesota, ... 226 auditor? offices, .. 209, 210 El Paso, Texas, not to be included tryasurefs office, . 209, 210 in collection district of Paso del registers office,.· . . 209, 210 Norte, . 221 so11c1tor’s officc, .. 209, 211 appropriation bill for certain civil exotiicc of commissioner of cus- punscs fur 1857-8, ... . .. 221 toms, . 209, 211 coast survey,. . . .. 221, 224 light-house board, 210, 211 miscellaneous ciaims, . 221 S. E. executive building, .. 211 deficiency for seamen, . 221 clerks iu, 220 treasury extension, . ... 221 department of the interior, 211, 212 custom-houses,. .. 221, 222, 226 ofiicc of secretary, 211 additional nppraisc1·-gencralto be npgeneral land-ofice, ... . 211 pointed, ... 221 Indian affairs, 211, 212 murine hospitals, .. .. . 221, 222, 226 pensions, 211, 212 light-house establishment,. . 222, 223 public buildings, ... 211, 219 kmd surveys, 223, 224 survcyors·gcncra1 and their patent-office building, . 224 clerks, .. 212, 213 insane persons, ... 224 Northwest of the Ohio, officc infirmary, . . . 224 of, removed to St Pa.u1’s, public grounds, .. 224, 225, 226 Minn., ... .. .. 212 streets, .. . . 225, 226, 227 war department, .. 21 3, 214 Capitol, .. _ ... 2 25 office of secretary, 213 extension ofZ ... 226 adjutunt-general, . 213 dome of, ... 226 quartcrmaster-general, ..,. . 213 President’s house, . 225 paymustcr-general, ... . 213, 214 gas, . 225 commissary-geucml, .. 213, 214 Alfred R,. Rivcs, .. 225 surgccngeneral, .. 213, 214 Washingt0xi aquqduct, 225 topographical engineers,. . 213, 214 botsmic garden, . . . 225, 226 chief engineer, ... 213, 214 p0st·o1Hcc, ... 226 colonel of ordnance,. . 213, 214 extension, ... 226 N. W. executive building, . 214 quarantine station on the Missisbuilding ccrncr of F. and 17th sippi, ... 226 streets, . . . . 214 congressional burying-ground,. . . 226 navy department, 214, 215 agricultural statistics, . 226 secretm·y’s officc, . 214 seeds and cuttings, . 226 bureaus, . 214, 215 report on consumption of cotton,. . . 226 James P. Espy, . . 214 superintendent of home department S. W. executive building, .. 215 building, .. 226 p0st·0Hicc department, . . . .. 215 public buildings, . 226, 227, 228 printing for the departments, ... 215 packing and distributing documents, 227 mint and branches, ... 215, 216 loans and notes, .. 227 N. Yorls assznycfficc, .. 215, 216 suppression of slave-trade, . . . . . 227 territories, ... 216, 217 Dr. James Morrow, ... 227 judxcmry, ... . 217, 218, 219 capitol and pcnitentiury for W:1shmtu of salaries of district judges ingtcm Territory, ... 227 of Illinois, Wisconsin, and portraits of Presidents, 227, 228 Michigan, and circuit judges deficiency for sulmics of judges in in District of Columbia, . 217 District of Columbia, ... 228 oiice of attorney-general, .. 217 President to appoint il private seccommissioucrs to cédify laws of Dis- rotary, stcwmg, and mcsscngcr,. . 228 trict of Columbia, ...,.. 21S their duties and pay, ..,... 228 rgpoiwer, . 218 cxccutive ccnthrgeucies, ... 228 district attorneys, .. . .. 218 Boston Humane Society, .. 228 marshals, 218 steam rcvcnuc-cutter, . 228