Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/748

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Ill STAT. 2836 PROCLAMATION 6962—DEC. 2, 1996 ANNEX (con.) 3. Th* assrasat* quantity of buttar, and fraaii or aaur eraaa contalnfm avar 45 pareant by iiaight of buttarfat, that ara aligibta preducta af laraal antarad widar aiMaadini 99O0.M.O1 dur<i« any period apaetfiad In thia neta shall net axeaad the quantity ipaclflad batau. <teBH8lMt X\m BtflWl aumtltr tkal Dae. « -Oac. 31. 19M 300,000 Calandar year 1997 31S.0OO Catandar year 1998 331.000 Calandar year 1999 347.000 Catandar year 2000 365.000 Calandar year 2001 383.000 4. Tha aggragata quantity af driad allk. Mbathar or nat containing addad augar ar athar aMaatanIng wttar. that ara allglbla praducta af laraal antarad indar atMiaading 9908.04.03 during any parlad ipaclflad In thIa neta shall net axeaad the quantity apaclflad balaw. AWllHttt \\m Btrlttf Quantity Ckal Dae. 4-Oac. 31, 1996 1,000,000 Catandar year 1997 1.030,000 tolandar year 1998 1,061,000 CalMidar year 1999 1.093.000 Calandar year 2000 1,126,000 Catandar year 2001 1,16 0,000 5. Tha aggragata quantity af ehaaaa and aubatltutaa for ehaaea that ara allglbla praducta of laraal antarad under aufaheading 9908.04.05 during any parled apaclflad In thIa neta (halt net eHcaad the quantity apaclflad batoH. Aaptleabla tlaaaarlad tuTitity Ikmi Dae. 4 -Dae. 31, 1996 1,000,000 Catandar year 1997 1,053,000 Catandar year 1998 1,107,000 Catandar year 1999 1,162.000 Calendar year 2000 1,220,000 Calender year 2001 1,279,000 6. The eggregata quantity ef peenuta that are eligible preducta ef larael entered under eubheading 9908.12.01 during any parlad apeclfled in thia note ahelt not axeaad the quantity apaclflad baleN. teiltlWt tlW Btrt9tf 0"»"*«** tfc«> Dec. 4-Dec. 31, 1996 100,000 Calender year 1997 103,000 Cetandar year 1998 106,000 Catandar year 1999 109,000 Celendar year 2000 113,000 Calandar year 2001 116,000 for the purpoeea ef thia nete, li^erta ef peenuta in the shall shall be eherged egalnet the quentltlea in thia note en the beela ef 79 kitograa for eech 100 kilagraaa ef peenuta in the ahett. 7. The eggregete quentity ef ice ereaa that are etiglbta preducta ef laraal entered wider aubhaeding 9908.21.01 during any period apaeified in thie note ahatl not exceed the ^jentlty epeclffed balew. ^wtUitU Urn wriotf 9w8ntHY (mtril Dec. 4-Pec. 31, 1996 251,670 Calender year 1997 276,837 Calender year 1998 304,521 Calender year 1999 334,973 Calender year 2000 368.470 Catandar year 2001 405,317