Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1156

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115 STAT. 3230 PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 Annex II (continued) (2) SOpan:aMMt«ra0ianitciatfiieliodBiaail* 11. TC^ 11forchapter 29 is deleted and the foloiMng new TCRis inseited in Neu thereof: '11. AdiangalDMMiaadine(2SOS3l«OTi«h290SAirDinany«ubhndinoouUidalg<gRii«L' 12. TCR12 for chapter 29 is deleted and the ibBovving new TCR is inserted in lieu thereof: -t Z. A itan g slB MM iad ln gs2906.11t«ai «h290& 29lR msi yalhvcu U)Bd in ch itf ^ MMMdrng wMn a<M graup. 1ZA. A ctwige IDtuUwadiigs 2907.1 itaogh 2907J3 ton aiyoOarsubhatfng.indijdmganodier tuHnadrng wMnttiMBRwp. t2B. (A) Actwig* tophenoMcohote or luttaadno 2907.29feompolyphanaiiof (UbhMding2907.29 or kom any ottiar tuWiaading: or (B) Ac«iwg*topatyphMiafcorMtihndng2907.29ktaiipli«ial-aloahokd(uWMad^ any oOwr subheadkig.* 13. TCR 36 for chapter 29 is deleted and the Ibllowing new TCFte are inserted in lieu thereof:

  • 36. Adangeto(utahaa(tetBs2BI8.11 tiraugh29ia.16(iixnanyadwsiMiMdinB.indudnganother

subhaa«ng wIMn mat graup. 36A. (A) ActarioatophanytB)yoafcadd(iiandaicacid).to(alliorastarea((ubhaa«ne29ia.l9lraniany otfar good al suHieaiing 2Sia.19 ortram anir sOiarsubheadmB: or IB) Aehine«toanyalhargoodaraut«i«a(inB291t.19tomphenytgQcfcacid(irandoicaad),ll*taNior aiMH er Ktiha'trtfcio 2918.19 erirom any oBiar nW—itng. 368. A diangatosubheadi(« 2918.21 ImniaivoaMriubhaaiSno.' 14. TCR 46 for Chapter 29 is deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted in ieu thereof> -46. (A) AdMng«is(ijMiaadlngs2921.41trai«h2g21.4Siromanyottiarhaa<tng.eicoapl(n)mhaai«ngs 2901.2900.2904.2916.2017 or 2926; or (8) AchaiyatoiuMiaadlngi 2921.41 tifOug>i2921.4Slron>anyodwaU)»<eading«»tlhlnti«adlng2921. kKiudkig another (uMiaadine wMiin Oolgroup, or hndings2901.2902.2904.2916.291r or 2926. antialhar or nottfiarab alio a ctanga iram any olhar liaaitng. pnMldad twre it a regional vriue ooMai* ornotlew Mn: (1) 60parcanl«iharalhelnnBacian« (2) SOpereeni what* ttwnal coal maliodliiMd. 46A. (A) A donga to subheadmgs 2921.46 tiraijgh2921.49iram any other heKfng.eiEe|il from headings 2901.2902.2904.2916.2917 or 2926: or (B) A dangetotubhaatfngs 2921^46 inugh 2921.49fmn any tubliaadingouaidefiMgnwp«««l<to headk« 2921 or headings 2901.2902, 2904.291S. 2917 or 2926. whether or nollMre la alao a change Itam any oOier headkig. proiMed twe It • ngioial «ahie oonteiM of not lesc than; (1) aopeiceni«MralheMnMaian«aluenitihadltuaad.(v (2) SO percent «h«ra the natooBtmaOalbiaed.