Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/301

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PUBLIC LAW 107-171—MAY 13, 2002 116 STAT. 275 "(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may authorize the Foundation to use, Ucense, or transfer synbols, slogans, and logos of the Foundation. "(B) INCOME.— "(i) IN GENERAL.—All revenue received by the Foundation from the use, licensing, or transfer of symbols, slogans, and logos of the Foundation shall be transferred to the Secretary. " (ii) CONSERVATION OPERATIONS.— The Secretary shall transfer all revenue received under clause (i) to the account within the Natural Resources Conservation Service that is used to carry out conservation operations.". SEC. 2507. DESERT TERMINAL LAKES. 43 USC 2211 "(a) IN GENERAL. —Subject to subsection (b), as soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall transfer $200,000,000 of the funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation to the Bureau of Reclamation Water and Related Resources Account, which funds shall— "(1) be used by the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation, to provide water to at-risk natural desert terminal lakes; and "(2) remain available until expended. "(b) LIMITATION.—The funds described in subsection (a) shall not be used to purchase or lease water rights. Subtitle G—Conservation Corridor Demonstration Program SEC. 2601. DEFINITIONS. 16 USC 3801 In this subtitle: (1) DELMARVA PENINSULA.— The term "Delmarva Peninsula" means land in the States of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia located on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay. (2) DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM.—The term "demonstration program" means the Conservation Corridor Demonstration Program established under this subtitle. (3) CONSERVATION CORRIDOR PLAN; PLAN. — The terms "conservation corridor plan" and "plan" mean a conservation corridor plan required to be submitted and approved as a condition for participation in the demonstration program. (4) SECRETARY. —The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture. SEC. 2602. CONSERVATION CORRIDOR DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM. 16 USC 3801 (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— The Secretary shall carry out a demonstration program, to be known as the "Conservation Corridor Demonstration Program", under which any of the States of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, a local government of any 1 of those States with jurisdiction over land on the Delmarva Peninsula, or a combination of those States, may submit a conservation corridor plan to integrate agriculture and forestry conservation programs of the Department of Agriculture with State and local efforts to address farm conservation needs. (b) SUBMISSION OF CONSERVATION CORRIDOR PLAN. —