Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/3521

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[119 STAT. 3503]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 3503]

PUBLIC LAW 109–163—JAN. 6, 2006

119 STAT. 3503

Air Force: Extension of 2002 Project Authorization

Installation or Location



Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana.

Family housing (56 units) ..





Sec. 2801. Modification of congressional notification requirements for certain military construction activities. Sec. 2802. Increase in number of family housing units in Korea authorized for lease by the Army at maximum amount. Sec. 2803. Improvement in availability and timeliness of Department of Defense information regarding military construction and family housing accounts and activities. Sec. 2804. Modification of cost variation authority. Sec. 2805. Inapplicability to child development centers of restriction on authority to acquire or construct ancillary supporting facilities. Sec. 2806. Department of Defense Housing Funds. Sec. 2807. Use of design-build selection procedures to accelerate design effort in connection with military construction projects. Sec. 2808. Acquisition of associated utilities, equipment, and furnishings in reserve component facility exchange. Sec. 2809. One-year extension of temporary, limited authority to use operation and maintenance funds for construction projects outside the United States. Sec. 2810. Temporary program to use minor military construction authority for construction of child development centers. Sec. 2811. General and flag officers quarters in the National Capital Region. SUBTITLE B—REAL PROPERTY



Sec. 2821. Consolidation of Department of Defense land acquisition authorities and limitations on use of such authorities. Sec. 2822. Modification of authorities on agreements to limit encroachments and other constraints on military training, testing, and operations. Sec. 2823. Modification of utility system conveyance authority and related reporting requirements. Sec. 2824. Report on application of force protection and anti-terrorism standards to leased facilities. Sec. 2825. Report on use of ground source heat pumps at Department of Defense facilities. SUBTITLE C—BASE CLOSURE



Sec. 2831. Additional reporting requirements regarding base closure process and use of Department of Defense base closure accounts. Sec. 2832. Expanded availability of adjustment and diversification assistance for communities adversely affected by mission realignments in base closure process. Sec. 2833. Treatment of Indian Tribal Governments as public entities for purposes of disposal of real property recommended for closure in July 1993 BRAC Commission report. Sec. 2834. Termination of project authorizations for military installations approved for closure in 2005 round of base realignments and closures. Sec. 2835. Required consultation with State and local entities on issues related to increase in number of military personnel at military installations. Sec. 2836. Sense of Congress regarding infrastructure and installation requirements for transfer of units and personnel from closed and realigned military installations to receiving locations. Sec. 2837. Defense access road program and military installations affected by defense base closure process or Integrated Global Presence and Basing Strategy. Sec. 2838. Sense of Congress on reversionary interests involving real property at Navy homeports.

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