Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1334

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1282 INDEX. wsu PAD Bambevjqer, Szmon, Banking Associations (continued.) _ released from liability on forfeited re- plates and dies for notes, to be m cuseognizance, . ... 918 tody of comptroller, ... 670 Bands, expenses of procuring, &c., how regimental, of volunteers, pay, &c., oi,. 270 home, . . . ._ 670 in the regular army, of what to con- association to pay semrannually one per sist, and pay 06 ... 280 cent. of circulation, 670 act to reimburse volunteers money paid proceedings in case of defaulg . 670 t0, . . . . . .. 284 banks, &.c., not organized under this act, Bangor, Maine, and issuing notes, to make semianrepairing custom-house and post—oHi0e nual returns, . . 670 at, ... 582 penalty for default, and how recov- Bankirrq Associations, ered, . : ... 670 how may be thrmed, . 666 when may issue circulating notes as act authorizing, may at any time be al- money, ... 670 tered or repealed, .. 682 notes to be received at par for all dues ·persons forming to make certificate un- to the United States, except duties on der seal, . .. 666 imports, .. 670 certificate to specify what, . 666, 667 notes to be received at par for all_dues to be acknowledged, &c., . 667 from the United States, except mtercopies, &c., duly certified and au- est on public debt,. . .. 670 thenticated, to be evidence of ex- not to issue as money any notes except istence of bank, &c,, 667 circulating, 670 copy of articles of association, to be sent bonds transferred as security for circuto comptroller of currency, . 667 lation, to have fact smted on certificate, 670 capital stock, to be not less than $50,- how such bonds may be transferred, 670, 671 000, ... 667 record of transfer, 671 when not to be less than $100,000,. 667 association te be notified of transfer,. . . 671 how to be paid in, 667 comptroller and treasurer may examine how may be increased, ... 668, 669 each other's books, 671 how to be divided, .. . 675 association to examine yearly its bonds, shares, how assignable, ... 675 and compare same with books of treaslimit upon transfer, . .. 675 ury department, ... 671 stock of delinquent shareholders may if found correct, to give treasurer certifi be sold, &c., .. 667 icate, . . .. 671 mode of sale, ... . . . . 667 examination may be made by agent apcomptroller to examine articles of asso- pointed in writing, . 671 ciation, &c., .,. . .. 667, 668 as ociations to report quarterly to compmay require oath of officers, .. 668 troller, under oath, 671 may appoint special commission to contents of report, ... 671 make inquiry, . . ... 668 abstracts of reports to be published, 671 when satisfied that association may separate reports to be published in commence business, to give cer- ocal papers, ... 671 tificate, ... 668 in large cities, monthly reports to be associations to cause certificates to be published, . 672 published, . 668 circulating notes, if not redeemed, holdto have a common seal, ... 668 er may protest, ... 672 to have succession for twenty years, 668 proceedings for protest, ... 672 general powers and liabilities oi}. . . 668 expenses of protest, how paid, . 675 business, where to be transacted, . . 668 association not to continue banking shares in associations, to be personal business, .. 672 property, . 668 comptroller, on notice of failure, to rehow transferable, and effect of trans-deem circulation, to ascertain the fact, 672 fer, ... 668 may appoint special agent for the shareholder, personally liable to twice purpose, . . ... 672 the amount of l1is_sl1ares, .. 668 to declare bonds pledged to be forrealestate of, for what purposes may be feited, 672 held, .. . . 669 to notify holders to present notes before commencing business, to transfer for payment, .. 672 to treasurer United States bonds, 669 proceedings in paying the notes, 672, 673 amount of bonds, and where to be may cancel an amount of bonds kept, . ...,. . . 669 equal to notes paid, 673 to receive ninety per cent. of their or may sell at auction in New current value in circulating notes, 669 York, . 673 amount of notes not to exceed capital or at private sale, 673 _ stock, .,.. 669 but for not less than par, . 673 issue of circulating notes not to exceed sale when complete, .. 673 $300,000,000, ... . .. 669 may appoint a receiver, .. 673 how to be apportioned, ... 669 proceedings in such case, ... . . 673 how to be prepared, ...,.. 669 if failure is denied, how question notes to express what upon their may be tried, . 673 face, . 669, 670 bonds transferred as security for circulato bear what device, &c., . 670 tion, to be so held, . 674