Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4399

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12 2 STA T .4376PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8(d)STRYKE R MOBIL E GUN SY S TE MD E F I C IENCIES DEFINE D.—Inthis s ec ti o n , the te rm‘ ‘Str yk er Mo b i l eG u n System de f iciencies ’ ’ me a ns deficiencies of the Stryker Mobile Gun System s p ecified in the memorandum by the Department of Defense titled ‘‘Stryker Mobile Gun System (MGS) A c q uisition Decision Memorandum’’ and dated Au g ust 5 , 20 0 8 . Subti t leC—NavyProg ra msSEC.12 1. R E FU E LINGA N D C OMP LE X O V ER H AUL OF T HE U.S.S. THEO - DORE ROOSEVELT. (a) AMOUNT AUT H ORI Z ED F ROM S CN ACCOUNT.— O f the amount appropriated pursuant to the authori z ation of appropriations in section 1 02 or other w ise made a v ailable for shipbuilding, conver - sion, and repair, Navy, for fiscal year 200 9 , $ 12 4 ,500,000 is avail- able for the commencement of the nuclear refueling and comple x overhaul of the U .S.S. T heodore R oosevelt (C V N –7 1) during fiscal year 2009. The amount made available in the preceding sentence is the first increment in the three-year funding planned for the nuclear refueling and complex overhaul of that vessel. (b) CONTR A CT AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to enter into a contract during fiscal year 2009 for the nuclear refueling and overhaul of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt (CVN–71). (c) CONDITION FOR OUT- Y EAR CONTRACT P AYMENTS.—A contract entered into under subsection (b) shall provide that any obligation of the United States to make a payment under the contract for a fiscal year after fiscal year 2009 is sub j ect to the availability of appropriations for that purpose for that later fiscal year. SEC. 122. LITTORAL COM B AT SHIP ( LCS ) PROGRAM. Section 124 of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal Year 200 6 (Public L aw 109–16 3; 119 Stat. 3157), as amended by section 125 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110–181; 122 Stat. 29), is further amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘post-2007 LCS ves- sels’’ and inserting ‘‘post-2009 LCS vessels’’; and ( B ) in paragraph (3)— (i) in the paragraph heading, by striking ‘‘POST- 20 0 7 LCS V ESSELS’’ and inserting ‘‘POST-200 9 LCS VES- SELS’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘ ‘post-2007 LCS vessel’ ’’ and inserting ‘‘ ‘post-2009 LCS vessel’ ’’; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘post-2007 LCS vessels’’ and inserting ‘‘post-2009 LCS vessels’’; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘post-2007 LCS vessels’’ and inserting ‘‘post-2009 LCS vessels’’. SEC. 12 3 . REPORT ON F / A – 1 8 PROCUREMENT COSTS , COMPARING MULTI Y EAR TO ANNUAL. (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than March 1, 2009, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on F / A–18 procurement. The report shall include the fol- lowing

(1) The number of F/A–18 E /F and EA–18G aircraft pro- grammed for procurement for fiscal years 2010 through 2015.