Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4544

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12 2 STA T .45 21 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(a), a l l other ele m e n t s o f the ma j or d efense a cqui sition p ro g ram shall b e appropriatel y organi z ed into one or more subprograms under the major defense acquisition program, each of w hich subpro - grams, as so organized, shall be treated as a major subprogram under subsection (a) .‘ ‘(d) DEFIN I T I O N S . —N otwithstanding paragraphs ( 1 )and( 2 )of section 2 43 2(a) of this title, in the case of a major defense acquisition program for which the S ecretary has designated one or more major subprograms under this section for the purposes of this chapter— ‘‘(1) the term ‘program acquisition unit cost ’ applies at the le v el of the subprogram and means the total cost for the development and procurement of, and specific military construc- tion for, the major defense acquisition program that is reason- ably allocable to each such major subprogram, divided by the relevant number of fully-configured end items to be produced under such major subprogram

‘‘(2) the term ‘procurement unit cost’ applies at the level of the subprogram and means the total of all funds programmed to be available for obligation for procurement for each such major subprogram, divided by the number of fully-configured end items to be procured under such major subprogram; ‘‘(3) the term ‘major contract’, with respect to a designated major subprogram, means each of the si x largest prime, asso- ciate, or G overnment furnished equipment contracts under the subprogram that is in excess of $ 4 0 ,000,000 and that is not a firm-fixed price contract; and ‘‘(4) the term ‘life cycle cost’, with respect to a designated major subprogram, means all costs of development, procure- ment, military construction, and operations and support, with- out regard to funding source or management control.’’. (2) CL E R I CA LA M EN D MENT.— T he table of sections at the beginning of chapter 144 of such title is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2430 the following new item

‘ 2430a.M a jorsubp ro g ra m s. ’ ’. (b) CONFORMIN GA MENDMENTS TO SECTION 2432.—Section 2432 of such title is amended— (1) in subsection (b)(2)(A), by inserting ‘‘for the program (or for each designated subprogram under the program)’’ after ‘‘procurement unit cost’’; (2) in subsection (c)— (A) in paragraph (1)( B )— (i) by inserting ‘‘or designated major subprogram’’ after ‘‘for each major defense acquisition program’’; and (ii) by inserting ‘‘or subprogram’’ after ‘‘the pro- gram’’; (B) in paragraph (1)(C)— (i) by inserting ‘‘or designated major subprogram’’ after ‘‘major defense acquisition program’’; and (ii) by inserting ‘‘or subprogram’’ after ‘‘the pro- gram’’; and (C) in paragraph (3)(A), by inserting ‘‘and each des- ignated major subprogram’’ after ‘‘for each major defense acquisition program’’; (3) in subsection (e)—