Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5070

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12 2 STA T .5047PUBLIC LA W 110 – 457 —DE C.2 3, 200 8regional, an dt ran s national as p e c tso f traffic k ing in per - sons ’ ’

and (B)by adding at t h e end the follo w ing

‘( F ) I n cooperation and coordination with rele v ant organi z ations, s u ch as the U nited N ations H igh C o m mis- sioner for R efugees, the International O rganization for M igration, and private nongovernmental organizations that contract with, or receive grants from, the United S tates G overnment to assist refugees and internally displaced per- sons, support for — ‘‘(i) increased protections for refugees and internally displaced persons, including outreach and education efforts to prevent such refugees and internally displaced persons from being e x ploited by traffickers; and ‘‘(ii) performance of best interest determinations for unaccompanied and separated children who come to the attention of the United Nations High Commis- sioner for Refugees, its partner organizations, or any organization that contracts with the D epartment of State in order to identify child trafficking victims and to assist their safe integration, reintegration, and resettlement . ’’; and ( 2 ) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following: ‘‘In carrying out this paragraph, the Secretary and the A dminis- trator shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that cooperative efforts among foreign countries are undertaken on a regional basis.’’. SEC.105 . IN C R E A SIN G E F FEC T I V ENESS O F ANTI - TRAFFIC K ING P RO- GRA M S. T he Trafficking V ictims P rotection Act of 2 0 00 (22 U.S.C. 71 01 et se q .) is amended by inserting after section 107 the following: ‘ ‘SEC. 10 7 A. INCREASING EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTI-TRAFFICKING PRO- GRAMS. ‘‘(a) A WARDINGOF GRAN TS , COO PE RATI V E AGREE M ENTS, AND CONTRA C TS.—In administering funds made available to carry out this Act within and outside the United States— ‘‘(1) solicitations of grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts for such programs shall be made publicly available; ‘‘(2) grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts shall be sub j ect to full and open competition, in accordance with applicable laws; and ‘‘( 3 ) the internal department or agency review process for such grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts shall not be subject to ad hoc or intermittent review or influence by individuals or organizations outside the United States Govern- ment except as provided under paragraphs (1) and (2). ‘‘(b) EL IGI B ILIT Y .— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An applicant desiring a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement under this Act shall certify that, to the extent practicable, persons or entities providing legal services, social services, health services, or other assistance have completed, or will complete, training in connection with trafficking in persons. Certif i ca ti on.2 2 US C 7105 a.