Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/738

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123STA T .7 1 8PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 —M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9provide d f or t e chn ic al a s sistance , s u fficient fundin g shall b e m ade available for a grant to the C lose U p F oundation


d fu r th er, T hat the funds for the program of operations and maintenance improvement are appropriated to institutionali z e routine operations and maintenance improvement of capital infrastructure w ith terri - torial participation and cost sharing to be determined b y the S ec- retary based on the grantee ’ s commitment to timely maintenance of its capital assets: Provided further, That any appropriation for disaster assistance under this heading in this A ct or previous appro- priations Acts may be used as non-Federal matching funds for the purpose of hazard mitigation grants provided pursuant to sec- tion 40 4ofthe R obert T . Stafford D isaster Relief and E mergency Assistance Act ( 4 2 U.S.C. 517 0c ) . COMPA C T O F F RE EA S SOC I ATIO N For grants and necessary e x penses, $ 5, 3 1 8 ,000, to remain avail- able until expended, as provided for in sections 221(a)(2), 221(b), and 233 of the Compact of Free Association for the Republic of P alau

and section 221(a)(2) of the Compacts of Free Association for the G overnment of the Republic of the M arshall I slands and the Federated States of Micronesia, as authorized by Public L aw 9 9 –6 58 and Public Law 108–188. O FFICE OF T H ESO L ICITOR SALARIES AN D E X PENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of the Solicitor, $62,050,000. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General, $45,953,000. OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL TR U STEE FOR AMERICAN INDIANS FEDERAL TRUST PRO G RAMS ( INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS ) For the operation of trust programs for Indians by direct expenditure, contracts, cooperative agreements, compacts, and grants, $181,648,000, to remain available until expended, of which not to exceed $56,445,000 from this or any other Act, shall be available for historical accounting: Provided, That funds for trust management improvements and litigation support may, as needed, be transferred to or merged with the B ureau of Indian Affairs, ‘ ‘Operation of Indian Programs’’ account; the Office of the Solicitor, ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ account; and the Office of the Secretary, ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ account: Provided further, That funds made available through contracts or grants obligated during fiscal year 2009, as authorized by the Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975 (25 U.S.C. 450 et se q .), shall remain available until expended by the contractor or grantee: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the statute of limitations shall not