Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/374

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344 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 310, 311, 312. 1866. July 2s, 1866. CHAP. CCCX.-Slzkjigxvmovhegoétteb figz of zhe United Be it enacted by the Smak and House of Representatives of the United _ Pr¤¤¢¤<$i¤z¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That all suits, causes, prosecu- EQQ'; g_'f;;?g0n_ tions, and proceedings in the United States proviswns.1 court for the State sl court for of Louisiana, with the records thereof, be, and the same are hereby, transgggdssxgtgg ferred to the United States district court for the eastern district of Louisdistrictcourt, iana; and all suits, causes, prosecutions, and proceedings so transferred and to be gw_ shall be proceeded with in said court and med and determined, and {h°;)§;‘;;;§;“(fl‘ process and judgment issued and executed therein and by said court in there. the same manner and with like effect as if the same had been commenced Proviso. originally in said district court: Provided, however, That any suit or proceeding so transferred, of which the circuit court could take jurisdiction under the laws of the United States, shall in like manner be heard and determined in the circuit court held in said district. Record in cer- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in case suits or proceedings are ul'? ”P“3,*‘; pending in said provisional court which could not have been instituted in ’:,‘:§,:m;,:§° said circuit or district court, the record shall remain in said district court further action- without further action therein. Jndfgments, Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all judgments, orders, de- $lE:;°:a{“:0£‘;€‘m crees, and decisions of the United States provisional court for the State become at mm of Louisiana, relating to the causes hereby transferred to the district court ¤h¤j¤dsZm9¤¤S, of the eastern district of Louisiana, or to the circuit court held in said

 district, shall at once become the judgments, orders, decrees, and decisions

of said district court, or said circuit court, unless the same are inconsistent with the rules and proceedings thereof; and may be enforced, pleaded, and proved, as the judgments, orders, decrees, or decisions of said district court, or said circuit court. Armzovmn, July 28, 1866. July 28, 1866. CHAP. CCCXI.—An Act to remove the Office of Surveyor-General of the States of See Pont, p. 448. Iowa and Wisconsin to Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Be it enacted ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United W?£f;gl;:5"“m, States of America in Qongress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the 10,,,; and wi, Secretary of the Interwr, as soon after the passage of this act as may be, eonsin to be to cause the office of surveyor-general of Iowa and Wisconsin to be re- {,‘iQ;Q;;g‘:;’h moved to Plattsmouth in the Territory of Nebraska, and to make the Nebraska. ’ necessary provisions for immediate and effective operations; and when so N¤b*¤¤l<¤ wd removed the duties and jurisdiction of said surveyor-general shall be co- £:;“£ui.°1,2?f;g extensive with the limits of the Territory of Nebraska, and include the district. State of Iowa. and the same shall constitute a surveying district. Repeuling Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts in- °]’*“°· consistegt with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby, repe e . Ammovnn, July 28, 1866. , CKABCCCXII.-AnAe¢¢o ‘ , ‘ ' -————*""" “°· ‘°°° nge., mmm.- 0.. AW $°WZu$iT$ZL¥~J”5. €$‘1¢"i’t{$QZ’,Z’&Z$'%l2L"i»”.?d,pZ£”tIi' “' Bc it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United Physiogldis- States of America in Congress assembled, That the provision of section ‘l“"m°’·*'°“ °l four of the “Act to amend an act entitled an act to establish and equalonicers of navy, . . . ,,(,c,,Si0,,,d by IQB the grade of hne officers of the United States navy," approved July

nieggived sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, requiring that no officer in the

mdnommpgék naval service shall be•promoted to a higher grade upon the active hst msn; them, me until he has been examined by n board of naval surgeons and pronounced goggggggma physically qualified to perform all his dutie at sea, shall not be construed mb to apply to and exclude from the promotion to which he would otherwise