Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/42

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12 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 22, 24. 1866. March 21, 1866. CHAP. XXII.-An Act quietir; Doubts in Rdulion to the Validity of certain Loca- 1815 cb 45 tions of Lands in the Staxe of A issouri, made Iiy Virtue 3f Ccrtgfoates issued under the VOL ji zh_ Act of Congress of lpebruazy the seventeenth eig teen hun red and fifteen. ‘ _ Be it enacted. by Senate and [buses of Representatioes of the United m;§";?*‘;a}:{’?; States of America m Congress assembled, That all locatxons of lands m Missouri made the State of Missouri, purporting to have been made by virtue of oertifivalid- cakes issued under the act of Congress, approved February the seven- V"]' ‘"‘ P‘ 211* teenth, eighteen hundred and fifteen, entitled "An act For the relief of the inhabitants of the late county of New Madrid in the Missouri Territory who suifered by earthquakesf which are invalid in consequence of having been made or located after the expiration of the time specified by law for making said locations, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be, as valid, and as bindinv, as if the said locations had been made and fully completed within the nine prescribed by law, provided said locations shall be according to law in all other respects; but the foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply to, comprehend include or extend to any land within township forty-five, north of the bése line, ln range seven, east of the fifth principal meridian line in said State of Missouri. mgm of the Suc. 2.. Aod be it further enacted, That the United States do hereby Ummd Smeg in §ra.g,é~el111§%u1sh,han¢l c01;vey,iu fee simple, and in full property, to James certain lands . ’ urro , or is ega representatives, all of the rivht, title and inter- °°‘“’°Y“d*° est of the United States in and to all of the l d , Ja Y 0.c · an mt nn survey number NH32O_ mh two thousand foot hundred and mnety-e1gl1t., in township forty-five, north 0; th; base lng? in range) seven east of the fifr.11 principal meridian line, in t e tate 0 issouri einv the same land that was located b *' ·tu f' certitlcate number one hu¤§lred and fifty, issued to the saidyjgnes %. O’Carroll, or his legal representatives, under the act of Congress ap- Hroved February hl1e sevenbeenth,‘eighbeen hundred and fifteen, entitled zlnoct for toe relief of the inhabatan£s of the late county of New Ma- Pmvisw dud, in the Missouri Territory, who suH`ered by earthquakes ": Provided, hlowever, That nothing in this section shall grant, relinquish or convey t e whole or any part of any lot tract piece or · ,' _ _ . parcel of land m saxd township, wlsnoh has been hcretofore confirmell by the United States to gxgysgersozog };ersor5,do 1} tc;/tlneilggsgl rcolreseneatgves of any person or · s: i rage e ur wr, a not mg in this act shall be so éonitéroeddag to nuvalndate or 1mpa1r any patent heretofore issued by the urtedl hates, 0;;hallv1u any manner abrldge, divest, impair, injure, or PPCJUI noe any va 1 arlverse mght, title, or mterest of any person or persoos mtor to any portion or part, of the aforesaid land which is granted, relinquished, and conveyed by this act. Arrxovmv, 1\Ia.rch 21, 1866. April 5, was, CHAP. XXIV.-An Actcrvzzzg 2} ptrgugle jbr the Punishment of certain u ru tutes. The forging, Bs it enacted by the Senate and House 0 R t f ' &:&g`:;2;>5>¤1d, States of America in Congress assembled, "f.ha:]ll‘e;e;ya;;;f;ogf;?·cpg;logZ g/c,, with inténf; falsely make, altcro forge; OY C0uHt€I`fClt; OI' cause bf ppgcuyg tO bg

  • I<;F<l?;`?§g1g¤; or t;E?5s;1:;l:I,:;]1;er95<lg£$;·ge25 or <;ounl;erfeited; or willingly oid or assist in

K`£}§l%Iy°$`fi£g Sal, guarantee zccuritygoffi;l;ll°o<Kdmun1:l?fwmgp3ny rggnda bid, Pm1g0- k .¤ _ .. > _• _ sPulf$l‘€00 a avxigoroter in¤;‘:?£>;;1:{l¢¥ wrmpg for the purpoee of defrauding the United Smokes; or shall utter or mW_ mlysuch oublmb as true, or cause to be uttered or published as true any such

51飤?_i&c,, false, forged, altered or counterfeited bond, bid, propoeel guaraotee seco-

6 °¤Y» ·rity official bond ub]` d ’ s ’ dl _ » _ p IC recor 3md3V1 0 bh · t

  • ,,,{°w¤¤¤ of den-mug mk umd sees, kWh..; `Ehc°LI.°K$ `2’f’b€§’”fIZZ,pX$}3Z$T

al t.ered,;>rt<;ounterfe1l.ed; or shall transmit to, or present at, or cans; or %0oure 0 e transmxtted to, or presented at, the office of any officer of the rnlxheil lS;ates, any such false, forged. altered, or couuterfeited bond, bid, p poea , cuarantce, secunty, officml bond, public record, aflidavit, or other