Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/515

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CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. FEB. 8, 1867. 488 the contrary notwithstanding. And no obstante eualquier uso ii ordeif it shall not appear from the said nanza en contrario. Ysi no constare certificates that there are contra- de dichos certiticados que hayé. borband goods on board, the ships shall do géneros de contrabando, se perbe permitted to proceed on their mitira a los buques proseguir sus voyage. If itshall appear from the viages. Si consrare de los cercertificates that there are contraband tificados que hay a bordo de tal goods on board any such ship, and buque géneros de contrabando, y the commander of the same shall su eomandante ofreciere entregaroder to deliver them up, the offer los, se aeeptara la oferta, se dara shall be accepted, and a receipt for un recibo de ellos y quedara el the same shall be given, and the buque en libertad de continuar su ship shall be at liberty to pursue its viage ; a menos que la cantidad de voyage unless the quantity of the los géneros de contrabando sea contraband goods be greater than mayor que la que convenientemente can conveniently be received on pueda recibirse a bordo del buque board the ship—of-war or privateer, de guerra, publico 6 privado; caso in which case, as in all other cases en el cual el buque sera llevado, of just detention, the ship shall be para que los entregue, como en carried into the nearest safe and todos los demas de justa detencion, convenient port for the delivery of al puerto mas inmediato, comodo y the same. seguro. If' any ship shall not be furnished Si algun buque no estuviere pro- Cases when with such passport or certificates as visto del pasaporte 6 certificado que ships hive **3* are above required for the same, se requieren segun lo dicho, podra Egfghggfegiio be such ease may be examined by a un juez 6 tribunal eompetente exa- cxnmi¤cd,&c- proper judge or tribunal; and if it minar la causa, y si se viere de otros shall appear from other documents doeumentos 6 pruebas, admisibles or proofs, admissible by the usage segun el uso de las naeiones, que el of nations, that the ship belongs to buque pertenece a los ciudadanos 6 the citizens or subjects of the neu- siibditos de la parte neutral, no sera tral party, it shall not be confiscated, coniiscado sino puesto en libertad but shall be released with her car- con su cargamento (eseepto los gé- go, (contraband goods excepted,) neros de contrabando) yse le permiand be permitted to proceed on her tira seguir su viage. voyage. Si el capitan de un buque nom- Provision in If the master of a ship, named in brado en el pasaporte, llegare a mo- s23b0f m”m" the passport, should happen to die, rir, 6 faltare por cualquiera otra ` or be removed by any other cause, causa, y there puesto otro en su and another put in his place, the lugar, gozaran sin embargo de igual ship and cargo shall, nevertheless, seguridad el buque ysu cargamento be equally secure and the passport y el pasaporte conservara toda su remain in full force. fuerza. Anrrenn XVIII. Amxcuno 18. In order to prevent all kinds of A fin de prevenir todo desérden ViSiti¤g,&¤- . . . . . . . . i ofvessels, &c. disorder in the visiting and examr en las vxsitas y cxainenes de los Outhamgh sms_ nation of the vessels and cargoes of buques y cargamentos de las dos both the contracting parties on the partes contratantcs en alta mar, se high seas, it is hereby agreed that conviene que cuando un buque de whenever a ship-of-war shall meet guerra encuentre un buque neutral with a neutral of the other contract- de la otra parte eontratante, per ing party, the first shall remain at a manecera a una distancia conveniconvenient distance, and may send ente y enviara su bote, con dos 6 its boats, with two or three men tres hombres solamente para que only, in order to execute the exam- efectiie el examen de los documenination of the papers concerning the tos relatives a la propiedad del ownership and cargo of the vessel, buque y de su cargamento, sin en-