Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/832

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. 825 . , Pm . r.;.. Bwnunssg-`£{f1AwbMks;'l Rec:procalCom- Brokerage, (see fteciprocal Commercial Agrw 9""'”' · ments, Brw River L‘ w t n 1 F 1822 .. free uafvigaticu 0f—M0xic0, 1848 ... . 496 Brunuifaunclfagfgu or- mma, 244 Bran', _ Treaty for abolition of—Hm.1uver, 1861. .. 398 TICRIQ of péazce, tgicmlslnp, Branawick and Lunebury, ommc , an nnvlga- onv uti n ting - tion, Dqcempcr 12, 1828 .. 81-89 cposnl •:t?i•‘:·?»`E»ony,t‘.;‘:1él::t 1- Pww wd f¤¤¤d¤h¤1> ---------------- 81 I 81, 1854 ---- -- ---·---. . 93, 94 2. Favors granted to other nations tube- · 1. Disposal and inheritance of parsoual wmv common ------..----·--..--- 81 property .-.- . ---·.-.. 93 » Exception as to Portugal ._.. . 1.. . 81 Payment of numo duties as uativ¤¤.. - 93 3. gxsaggngnn gwgggxxd navngutmu. 3 Prggsrty of absent; heirs to be cared 93 4. Nati0¤n§ty of Brazilian vessels 82 2. Real grbgériiléihiél 5. Duties on pmduqu of either country . 82 disposal of ,,,, , ,,,,... ,... 93 6. Management of business, dm . 82 Payment of sums charges ns natives. . 94 7, Ng gmbu-go wihhgui; indemnification, B3 3, Durgtiqp of qgnvgutiqgh , ,,,, . .__,_,, 94 8. Asylum tc vessels seeking refuge . 83 Ratificaticns . ... 94 9. Property taken by pirates to be restored 83 Buoys. (SocRwi ocal Commcrdal Agmmnu.) 10. Amstmco in casa of shipwreck .. 83 I Burglary. (Soc Etrwition.) I1. Disposal aud inheritance of personal . Burial, (Soo Reciprocal Privileges of Oitimm,) property  : ... .. ... 83 | Burial ground for citizens of United Rea} property, tune allowed heirs for · States an Tumai-Low Chew, 1854. 460 dnspopal of . .. 83 Graves and tombs not to be molested. 460 12. Protection to persons and property .. 84 13. Security of conscience ...,... ,... 84 Rights of burial . 84 C MM C' 14.Ncutrnltrad¤intimo0fwsr . S4 a R' *lt. t. ad .h B. Frou ships make me gms . . u Q ¤¤¤ {gg <• tr ¤ *1* —¤=·==~¤ ¤*·*¤» Neutrality qgtgnded, to persons ,, -_,, 84_ ‘° ‘ ’'‘''’'’'’‘ ’ @4 15. Neutral property on en¤my’s vessel.. 85 Cawmw. _ _ _ _ I6_ Contmband of wk _________________ 85 , Treaty for xwquuutmu of—·Mcmco, 1848 .- 494 17. Goods not contraband tc bu frac . 85 California, Gulfq/Q

 g?ni§(s;:da;g>n ort£cc0nua.}>4;qd articles- .. g i Free navigation of—Mcxic0, 1848 ... 495

. cc po ,mgu u 1011 at ... · canada_ · — . ·1m,M;gom 20. Regulation of visits at sea ... 86 { (ggdfmggzgzs Ram 21. Passports and certificates 86 , 0 dh C k 3% ¥§“°°"`J .,°?.'2¢‘1°§.°Ji“.¥.;%;,;;:::;:::t:: :1: SZ 1 “"¥»;“.;;?"»g·5;i¤;;;·~ »·»¤=~¤¤·~¤ =·>—¤~¤;31 W 24. Letters of marquo ,.. . ... 87 n m' 11 '''''''''''' " ' 2s. Aww in can or wu botwccn 87 I 0¤p#•·•·<~·, W¢;_•·; Uvqtrzawd of F?".) f t 6 ge, ____ _ __________________ · By pn , 0 venus, c., 0 c1 nuns 0 Time allowed merchants to remove. . 87 l °¤¤ P¤§'tK; W b? ¥¤¤§°¥`Fd· Wh¤¤ ggmmnqucg m bg fumgshw _________ 87 found mt m the Jurxsdwtmu of thu Other persons may remain ... 87 °?h°¥`* 26, Debts, &n,,¤9b to be confiscated . B7 B°uYl*1 1858 · -·--····--···- - --····· ·• 71 27. Envcys, ministers, &,c ,.,,... 81 Bruml, 1828 -2 . . . . 83 28. Congplg And vice-cqmguls . . . . B8 CQPFEI Am°n°*: 1826- ·-···· ·--· · ····· 97 29. Ccmmisaicus and oxceguatum. 88 Chmn $32 ·--~·· · —----···-·---··---·- 195 30. Exemptions of consu ar oEc¤rs .. B8 C°l°mb¤b IS24 -·--····-·--·---· · ----- bl- 1nvi°m,mty of u-chives ., , .,... as E¤¤¤<i¤¤‘» IB39 ---·····---··-·-··--·-·- W9 31. Reclamation of deserters. . . . B8 Fnuwv 177gv 1800 ···· ·· · ····- ·· ···· znrzw 32. A consular convention to be formed-. 89 G¤`¤¤·* B¤*¤¤¤» 1794 ·-----·--··----~-·- 279 33, Dumhign of treaty. . ,. .. 89 Gummnhv 1849 ··••···• •• ••··•"- ·‘* 380 Infringement of treaty .. .. .. 89 U¤l5{» 1871 ·-··-- - ···-- · -- --··-- · ·-·-· 444 Reprigalg and declarations of war S9 M°¤°°» 1831 · ···· ··•··· ·· · ·········’* 479 Wté; with other nations not af- 89 gxggg Héé··• ····•· · ······· ···· Q? h&ms.;;,;;;;::::;:;;:1::::::;:::: 89 Nm ¤»¤`};‘é», méilililiitiiiiiiiiii qs: Convegiian relnéhic ;0 claims, 90 91 $*;.3 ‘;i···iééé ···· · •·•·• · ··•'* "" anna 2 . 8 9 ... , ° 1 ¤ -—----·----··-- 1. Sum to be lgaced as the disposal of Pr¤¤¤¤. 1785: ]·799»1828 ---···---· 645»653»659 the President of the United States- 90 Sa¤_Salvador, 1850 . .-., ... 677 Digg-ibqtiqu of gum by the United 90 §TI;**:;u1%g5iE;b· -··· · ········-······· • mtg; ____ _ _______________,,..,,__ u 3 , _,_,_,,, _ , . . , ,,,______ 2. Brazil exoncrated fmunraspcnsibility. 90 Neutral vessels of one party mcapturod E. ggocumontsfmbbo fumiuheddby Brazil. gvgr:3 tznsgvng cg}-bo other, tube . m s B ° 5. PZ5m`;:: Zr fuuinala f??. }`.*{?l} 91 Ncrbqrrnndsg xm -...--. .. 551, :42 B 6. xmsnmam .. . . 91 ggxm $[2;; 1799.1328 --·--------· 64·>.6=»'4,;>gg ·cn . n ..-.-. .. -. -.. -. ‘ jpgiamlgon of accession, gel,. ·Bwedo11,¤.nd Norway, 1816, 1827.. .. 735, 741 tengbcr 6, 1858 .:._... 92 O6ll'fU¥AMO|;*0G, _ _ Accession to the extmdxtmn convcn- Stnpulatzons ruspecting the constructmn tion of J uno 16, 1852, with Prussia of u ship-canal through any part and other states . . 92 of —Gr0u.t Britain, 1850 .. . 322